Nursing assignment: Understanding Social Movements PowerPoint

Nursing assignment: Understanding Social Movements PowerPoint
Social Movements in U. S. History
The dean at your college has always been committed to working for positive social change and helping others who would like to do the same. Recently, she was contacted by a colleague who shares her commitment to helping people better understand social change and find their own ways of getting involved. They have decided to host a social change evening for young people interested in activism and asked you to participate.

Nursing assignment: Understanding Social Movements PowerPoint

Your portion of the program requires you to share your expertise in a presentation that provides essential information on social movements in U.S. history.
You’re excited to be part of the evening and glad to have guidelines from which to work. The dean has included these guidelines in a PowerPoint template, which she has asked you to complete beforehand, also including your script for each slide in the PowerPoint Notes sections.

These are her guidelines:

Title slide: Social Movements in US History
Introduction: Recognize the constant, lasting, and evolving influence of social movements in U.S. history. (1–2 slides)
The Civil Rights Movement
Summarize the origins and purpose of the Civil Rights Movement. (1 slide)
Explain the purpose and analyze the effectiveness of nonviolent direct action as a protest strategy during the Civil Rights Movement. Include at least two specific examples to support your reasoning. (1–2 slides)
Prominent civil rights figures like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. are well-known for their contributions to the Civil Rights Movement. Defend the view that the success of the Civil Rights Movement depended as much (or more) on the contributions of average citizens working at the grassroots level. Include at least two specific examples to support your reasoning. (1–2 slides)
The Modern Women’s Movement
Summarize the origins and purpose of the post-1960 Women’s Movement. (1 slide)
Based on your understanding of the four-stage life cycle of social movements, analyze the life cycle of the post-1960 Women’s Movement based on the four-stage life cycle. Your analysis should show how the movement developed over time. Include all four stages in your analysis, with at least one specific example or event for each stage. (1–2 slides)
Analyze the factors that contributed to the success or failure of the movements for the Equal Rights Amendment, abortion rights, and anti-rape legislation. (1–3 slides)
The LGBT Movement
Summarize the origins and purpose of the LGBT Rights Movement. (1 slide)
Analyze the factors that influenced the protest and messaging strategies of the ACT UP demonstrations and the campaign for marriage equality. (1–2 slides)
Discuss how framing theory can help explain the effectiveness of the ACT UP demonstrations and the campaign for marriage equality. (1 slide)
Reference List (1 slide)

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