SR4003 Speaking Out- How Digital Activism Influences Social Movements

SR4003 Speaking Out- How Digital Activism Influences Social Movements. You are hoping to become a guest blogger for one of the online social change publications you greatly respect and read regularly. In order to convince the publication that you are worthy of their consideration, you have pinpointed Digital Activism as a topic on which you would like to focus. You sent the editor a list of various posts that fall under your topic and she is excited about the possibility of your working together.

SR4003 Speaking Out- How Digital Activism Influences Social Movements

She has given you these guidelines and asked you to flesh each of the following blog posts to send back to her.
Blog Post 1: New Digital Technologies and Social Change
SR4003 Speaking Out- How Digital Activism Influences Social Movements
Describe how new technologies can be a spark for social change and have contributed to recent increases in protest activity around the world. (1–2 paragraphs)
Explain how new technologies can expand the public sphere by empowering average citizens to become more directly involved in social change. Include at least two examples to support your reasoning. (1–2 paragraphs)

Blog Post 2: Mobilizing Resources With Digital Technology
SR4003 Speaking Out- How Digital Activism Influences Social Movements
Describe how the and Tea Party Movements have utilized digital technologies in their organizing and mobilizing efforts. Include details and examples to support your reasoning. (2 paragraphs)
Analyze the degree to which online activism complements, replaces, or has no effect on offline methods of social movement participation. Include details and examples to support your reasoning. (1–2 paragraphs)
Blog Post 3: Creating Opportunities for Change With Digital Technology

Describe how pro-democracy activists utilized digital technologies to create opportunities for change during the Arab Spring revolts of 2010 and 2011. Include details and examples to support your reasoning. (1–2 paragraphs)
Despite the best efforts of advocates for social change, the success of any given movement often depends on whether a suitable opportunity for change exists. Analyze the extent to which favorable or unfavorable political environments, including the reactions of government authorities, affected the ultimate success or failure of the Arab Spring revolts in at least two different countries. (2–3 paragraphs)
Blog Post 4: Building “Leaderless” Movements With Digital Technology

Describe how participants in the Indignados Movement, Mexican Spring, and/or Occupy Wall Street Movement utilized digital technologies to sustain and publicize their cause. Include details and examples to support your reasoning. (1–2 paragraphs)
Analyze the advantages or disadvantages of a “leaderless” organizational structure when building a social change movement. (1–2 paragraphs)
Blog Post 5: The Unfolding Future of Digital Activism

Locate two resources related to a current online social change movement. Based on these resources, summarize the goals of the movement and provide at least two recommendations about how the movement should (or should not) make use of digital technology to pursue or achieve its goals. Include details or examples to support your reasoning. (2–3 paragraphs)

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