C493 Leadership Experience- JLP1 Policy Case Study

C493 Leadership Experience- JLP1 Policy Case Study
Your state legislature is debating expanding the role of unlicensed personnel (ULP). The proposed legislation will expand ULP’s medication administration rights to include insulin, heparin, and other injectables. The State Nursing Board has decided to write a position statement on this potential statute.
You are tasked with developing the policy statement and supporting documents for the nursing
organization. Questions you might consider:

C493 Leadership Experience- JLP1 Policy Case Study
 How might this situation apply in each of the project areas? For example:
o Policy:
 The proposed legislation will impact practice in many different settings.
 The State Nursing Board is a group with wide oversight responsibilities.
 You will be writing a position statement for testimony to the legislative group.
o Practice:
 The proposed legislation will impact specific practice at the point of care.
o Population:
 It applies to the population of unlicensed personnel.
 It may affect specific populations of patients.
o Education:
 You will be educating the legislators on the impact of the decision.

 If you approach the project as it relates to Policy, what will you need to do? What are the limits
of your project?
o The main goal is to develop a policy statement and supporting documents.
o How will you get there? Consider:
 What does the proposed legislation actually say?
 Who is sponsoring the legislation?
 Who are the constituents they may be responding to?
 What is the scope of the problem that the legislation is designed to address?
 Who is affected? How are they affected? Some examples may include:
 ULPs expanding their scope of practice
 Trainers and supervisors to ensure that the ULP can capably perform
the tasks
 Employers who plan staffing in the care setting
 Insurers who protect against medical errors
 Patients whose health may be directly impacted
 Patients’ family or social support who may be called on to perform the

 What is the effect or potential outcome?
 How might these outcomes impact the organizations at the point of

 What are the health danger points or risks?
 Are these serious enough to be in the category of never events
(inexcusable outcomes in a health care setting)?
 Can you find evidence for or against this practice in the literature?
 Other states or entities that have done this
 Data about the current practice, outcome data, current medication
errors, etc.
 Patient preferences, survey data, shared decision making
 Do other professional organizations have related position statements?
 What is the potential cost, or reduced costs?

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