Women’s Health Promotion: CASE: A 14-year-old girl presents to your primary care clinic for her yearly physical.

Women’s Health Promotion: CASE: A 14-year-old girl presents to your primary care clinic for her yearly physical.. During the history, the patient reports she had her first period at age 13 and she has been irregular since. She explains that she has a period about every 3-4 months which are very heavy, lasting 7 to 10 days. She reports no other medical problems or current medications.

Group B Post #1: Initial Post Instructions
1) Review the MSN Discussion Question Grading Rubric.
2) Indicate your assigned Group at the top of your post.
3) Discuss the physiology of the menstrual cycle.
4) Discuss the likely the cause of the patient’s irregular cycle.
5) What other questions are important to include in the interview of this patient?
6) When the young patient asks about a pelvic exam and whether you “will have to stick that thing in me,” how will you explain to the patient?
7) Discuss your management plan for this patient, including education, health promotion, and prevention.