Watch the series of videos “How to Read the Bible Well”. Remember that you may find it helpful to take notes while you are watching

Watch the series of videos “How to Read the Bible Well”. Remember that you may find it helpful to take notes while you are watching.
Select one verse from the book of 1 Peter in the New Testament. You will be using this verse to practice the reading skills described in the video
By day four of the workshop, make an initial post of 200-250 words that does the following
Identifies your specific verse
Offers two observations about the structure, grammar, or words of the verse itself.
Watch the series of videos “How to Read the Bible Well”. Remember that you may find it helpful to take notes while you are watching
Offers one comment regarding each of the contexts covered in the videos: immediate, literary, historical-cultural, and canonical. You may cite something from a context that helps you read the verse better or ask a question if you are uncertain about how that context might be functioning.
Briefly state what you think the main point of the verse is.