War and its Effect on the Society

 Module 6 Chapter 7 and 11 summary

War has been part of human life for many years. It has been used to define people  for many centuries. For example, war has helped people learn about themselves and other people in the world. War is  a major issue in  the  world  because  of  the  negative  effects  it has on resources and human beings. The forms  of  war  and its motivation have changed  greatly  for  the  last  ten  decades. Countries have developed weapons to use in war. For example, countries have adopted biological war fare. War  in  the  modern  society  is  defined by  war  between  countries  and  other  groups  in  the countries. The groups are aimed at destroying the collective in the society. The world has survived on collective security for many centuries. There  are  two  processes  that  are  taking  place  in  the  modern  society. That is integration and disintegration. For  example, history  develops  humanity regularly  so  as to  take it  to  a  higher  level  of   unity, but  structures  and  sentiments  oppose  the  efforts using  violence  and  hate(Simpson, 2007).

The 20th  century  has  contributed a lot  to  the development  of  humanity  in  the society. It has led to unification and understanding in the society. The  league of nations  was  the  first procedure to create security  and  good will  in the  society. People have different views on the League of Nations. Some think  it was  not  effective  as  no  actions  were  taken  when Germany went against  the  international  law  and also  attacked  Poland during  the  second  world War. Others  think  the League  of  nations  has  led  to  development  of  the United   nations. The  United  Nations  has  carried  different  roles  in  the world, though  many  people  criticize  it for being  ineffective(Simpson, 2007).

There are different sociological perspectives used to explain war and conflicts. That is   structural  functionalist perspective, conflict perspective and symbolic interactions perspective. Structural functionalist  perspective  is  aimed  ay  explaining  the  functions  of  war. People argue that war has positive impact on the society. For example, it helps consolidate independent groups in the society   into a single political stated. In addition, war   helps   bring social cohesion and unity in the society. This  is  because  it  gives  people  in the  society common enemy  and  cause, thus  enabling  them live in unity. Moreover, war bring economic and political corporation in a society. War  helps  increase  the rate of employment  in  the  country  and  hence  enhance  economic  growth. For  instance, the United  States benefited  from the  second world war  as the war  helped  the country  overcome  the great  depression.

The  increased  production  of  weapons  and  other  supplies  need  to  fight  in  the second world war  stimulated  economic  growth  in  the  country. Also, war has contributed a lot to scientific and technological development in the world. For example, the development of defense department led to development of airline industry. Lastly, war encourages social reforms in the country. Conflict perspective explains the causes of war in the society. War results when countries and people struggle to control resources in the country. Also, the difference in opinion   among different people in the country   results to war (Simpson, 2007).

Symbolic integrationists  perspective  emphasizes  that   meanings  and   definitions  influence  attitudes  and  behaviors  people  have  about  conflict and war. For  example, children  in  United  States  develop  attitudes  and  behaviors  that  support  war at  a  tender  age. There  are  various  things  that  have  contributed  to  the attitude and  behavior  held  by young children about war. For example, computer games, video and movies that   emphasize war activities have led to war. War has led to deaths and disability. It has also led to rape and prostitutions in the country. Lastly, war has led to environmental destruction (Simpson, 2007).

Crime is a major issue in the society. There is a great difference between crime and deviance. Crime is  any behavior that violates the legal laws. Deviance consists  of  behaviors  that  are  not  inline  with the  societal norms  or  group norms. Crime is common in the society because the society has established laws to govern people’s behavior and actions. People who violate the laws established are referred as criminals. The laws established help bring order in the society. There is difference between conduct and character. Conduct  is  the  behavior people  portray  in  public  while  character is  what  in  does  when  no one is  looking. Ones family and experience help develop the character he has. Hence, the reason people have divergent characters (Simpson, 2007).

War and militarism differ a lot. War is a  conflict that is carried on by forces of arms like the war can be between nations or parties. Militarism is a  believe  that  the military  is  the  basis  of  security  in the society. Most governments try to maintain a strong military force so as to be able to defend the society. War and materialism are socially constructed by the human beings. For  example,  human  beings  believe  that war and  militarism  are important  to the  country as they bring  cohesion and peace. Thus, the society tries to glorify the two concepts (Simpson, 2007).

War and militarism are socially constructed. The  society  should  adopt  a  positive  culture  to eliminate  war  and  materialism and encourage  peaceful  methods  of  resolving  conflicts. The  society  should   not  educate  children  on the  importance  of  war  and militarism  at  a  tender  age  as  it  promotes  violence  in the society. The society should change that attitudes and behaviors held by children in the society. For  instance, the parents  should  encourage  dialogue  as  a  measure  of  resolving  conflicts, but not war. This  will  help  change  the  perception  of  young  children  on  war  and  militarism. Childhood  socialization  is  important  as  it  determines  the  kind  of  behavior  and attitude  the child will  have  in future.

Children  who  socialize  with  bad  groups  are  more  likely  to  be  involved  in violent activities  than  children  who  do  not  socialize  with  bad  groups. The children learn criminal’s behaviors from the social groups. The children become irresponsible in future. The  parents  should  encourage  positive  childhood  socialization  so as to  help the  children  acquired good behaviors  and  become  responsible  in future. Eliminating  war  toys will help change the attitude and behaviors of young children on war. It will help promote positive culture in the society. The  toy  cars equip  young  children  with  bad  thoughts  and  skills and  this  makes  it  easy  for  the  to  be  involved  in  war activities  in future. Fear  of crime  in United States  is  considered to be a kind of  social  control  over women  which  leads  to  gender  inequality. Gender inequality is  a major  issue  in the  country  as  women  do not  get  their rights. This has led to discrimination of women in the society (Simpson, 2007).

The US war on drugs has not been effective. This  is  because  the drug  policy  established by  the  government  are  not  effective. The  policy  focuses  on  reducing  the  supply  of  illegal  drugs  in the  country  so as  to  lower  the  demand. Recent  reports  have  shown  that  the  number  of  people using  drugs  has  increased  greatly. Most people continue to traffic illegal drugs, in spite of the laws put. This is  because the  government  has not developed  other  methods to  help  eliminate hard drugs  in the country by  helping drug  users and  traffickers. The government does not encourage rehabilitation of drug users and sellers, but the suspects are convicted. The  drug  traffickers  benefit  a lot  from  this  prices  as they  get  huge amounts  of  money. The  government  looses  billions  of  Dollars  as  the  drug  traffickers  do not  pay  tax. Also,  farmers  who  depend on hard  crops as a  source of  income  do not  benefit  from  drug  control  programs. This  is  because  the  government  destructs  the farmers  from  growing  hard  crops, hence  affecting  their  livelihoods (Caulkins &RAND, 2005).

Children become soldiers through different ways. For example,   children become soldiers through kidnapping. The children are kidnapped and converted to soldiers. Also, children become soldiers voluntary. The children decide to enter war voluntary as they believe the action is inline with the society’s ideology. After becoming soldiers, the children are turned into killers. This  instill  fear among  the children  and  makes  it difficulty  for the  rescued children  to live a norm all  life. The  government should  put  strong  measures  to  curb  training  of  child  soldiers. This will  help  eliminate unethical  methods  used  to  train  the children  like  kidnapping and  influence from the societal  ideology. The government should define formal procedures to be followed to train child soldiers. Also, the  government should  build  community  projects  to  help  teach   children  on  how to  promote peace. This will prevent the children from being trained as child soldiers (Simpson, 2007).


The toys  that  promote  violence  are  made  for  young   children  aged 6  years  and  above. The  toys  are  mostly   made  for  boys  as  boys  tend  to be more violent  than  girls. The toys made for violence consists 50% of the cars in the store. The  American  culture  encourages   children  to  learn  the  importance  and  effects  of war  at  a  tender  age. Most children learn about war at their childhood as stated above. Thus, the  American  culture  does  not  educate  children  how  to prevent  war, but  it  educates  the  children  how  to  promote violence. Most  people  in the  country  believe  that  male  are  more likely  to be  involved  in violence  than women. Also, men in the society value militarism than women (Simpson, 2007).

The United states  has  high  incarnation  rates  because it  does not  consider  other  methods to  help  criminals. The government does not encourage rehabilitation. This has led to increase in number of criminals in the country as the criminals continue committing criminals when they return to the society. This has led to increase in rate of crime in the country. Also, other crimes like rape, murder have become common (Simpson, 2007).


Caulkins, J.P., &RAND drug  policy  research   center.(2005).How goes the “war on drugs”?: an assessment of U.S. drug problems and policy. Rand Corporation
Simpson, G.J.(2007).Law, war and crime: war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law.Polity