Using ethics in decision making

Using ethics in decision making

Prepare a summary of an approved learning exercise. The written assignment should include the criteria listed below. It is expected that you incorporate relevant concepts from the course assignments and that you answer all questions listed in the learning exercise. Your summary should clearly indicate why you chose the resolution to the learning exercise.


1. Identify the problem.
2. Analyze and identify relevant information. Look at the organizational system, setting, and the underlying issues in this case.
3. Define the problem or issue. Identify the facts in the case. What is unique or universal about this topic? Who is affected by the problem? Are the organization\'s outcomes affected?
4. Think of alternatives to the solution. Use 3 American sources (periodicals, and current research) to identify problem solving solutions.
5. Discuss alternative plans of actions. Identify the benefits/disadvantages of each.
6. Recommend the best alternative and identify your plan of action. Describe actions needed, utilization of resources, and staff affected by your action.
7. Means of evaluation. Discuss how you would evaluate the results.
Was this the best solution?

**Adapted from Simendinger, E.A. The Challenge of Health Care Leadership. Chicago, Ill.: American Hospital Publishing, Inc.

Grading Rubric

Criteria Points Points earned

Identification of situation or problem 2

Identification of key alternatives 4
and analysis of key alternatives

Discussion of possible solutions 4

Identification and soundness of 4
rationale used

Means of evaluation 4

Organization and clarity in written
summary, use of APA 6th edition 3

Addressed all objectives in assignment 4
and questions in case study. Plan of
action clearly identified

Points earned ________ (Max pts 25)

Use APA for formatting the assignment. The length of paper should be a minimum of three pages double spaced throughout. All graded criteria should be included in the summary. Remember to use theory/concepts to determine your decision.