The skeletomuscular system

Question descriptionPlease respond to the two discussion post below in a minimum of 50 words using one of the examples below.

  • Ask a question or make a comment showing that you are interested in another person’s post and encouraging him or her to elaborate.
  • Post a resource (a reading, web link, video, quote, etc.) not covered in the syllabus but adding new information or valuable perspectives to the learning.
  • Make a comment underscoring the link between two people’s posts and make this link explicit in your comment.
  • Make a comment indicating that you found another person’s ideas interesting or useful. Be specific as to why this was the case.
  • Contribute something that builds on what someone else has posted. Be explicit about the way you are building on the other person’s thoughts.

Discussion Post #1

Professor and Classmates,

Understanding Bone Fractures

Types of bone fractures

Bone fractures are a common mishap, which are present in most people’s life, but especially in children due to the less developed bone structure and a more active lifestyle. Fractures can be placed into many categories which I will describe below. The main types are displaced, which occurs when a bone breaks and separate into multiple parts and not lined up straight, non-displaced, which occurs when the bone cracks partially or all the way through but maintains alignment, and lastly closed which is when the break does not puncture the skin or cause an open wound (DerSarkissian, 2017). Due to the wide variety of properties of the fractures, they can be categorized into subtypes, some of which are only present in children (DerSarkissian, 2017). The types of fractures which are only present in children are greenstick fracture, which is defined as the bone being bent rather than broken through, buckle fracture from bones being driven together, and growth plate fracture, which occurs at the joint and causes the shortening of bone (DerSarkissian, 2017). The other subtypes of bone fractures can be present in children and adults, which are comminuted fracture where the bone shatters, transverse fracture which is found perpendicular to the shaft of the bone, oblique fracture which is an angled break in the bone, pathologic fracture occurring from disease which weakens the bone, and stress fracture which is a hairline crack of the bone (DerSarkissian, 2017).

Remodeling and Treatment

These fractures, depending on the severity of the properties of the fracture, can either be healed naturally by the body or through invasive surgery. The process of healing starts from the affected area being bond and the bone realigned, and then the body will send blood cells to the site of the fracture to begin the repair process (DerSarkissian, 2017). This is when you see someone usually in a cast of some sort to stabilize that part of the body broken. I have personally been affected by a stress fracture previously, which was repaired by wearing a boot to protect the fracture and staying off my feet. The fractured area was never the same after completion or the healing process by a lump remaining and slight tenderness to the area.

Knee Pain Diagnoses

Knee pain is common with everyone but is mostly seen in adults. Some possible diagnoses of knee pain could be some inflammation of the joint such as “Runner’s knee,” a torn ligament or tendon, a fractured or broken bone, or even cysts between the joint (Balentine, 2017).

Synovial Joint

The knee contains a joint referred to as the synovial joint, which is any large joint in locations such as the knee, hip, and shoulder (Virtual, n.d.). Virtual (n.d.) explains that these joints are surrounded by a synovial membrane, which encapsulates the joint and lubricates it by secreting synovial fluid. The synovial membrane within this joint may become inflamed, which is referred to as synovitis (Virtual, n.d.).

Treating John

Treatment for knee pain or synovitis can depend on the severity of the injury. For a common injury, the REST principle may be applied which consists of rest, ice, compression, and elevation (Virtual, n.d.). In cases where the knee pain is caused by arthritis then medications may be used as treatment of inflammation (Virtual, n.d.). The most serious case treatment of the pain may require arthroscopic surgery (Virtual, n.d.). Some holistic treatment for knee pain may consist of joint supplements, Epsom salt baths, static or dynamic stretching.


Professor and Class,

This topic is very interesting to me because the body makes some very interesting adjustments when it comes to the bones. When it comes to the regeneration of any type of organ or bone structures the regeneration is very interesting.

Many of us know someone who has broken (or fractured) a bone, whether it is a wrist, ankle, or hip.

a. What are the different types of bone fractures? There are three different types of fractures, compound, greenstick, and open.

b. How does bone remodel itself? The Osteoclast adheres to the surface of the bony tissues and release acids and enzymes. The osteoblasts build the mineral structures by pulling calcium and minerals from the blood stream. Both of these together to rebuild the bone over a three to four month time.

c. What are the different ways a doctor may treat a fractured bone? Closed reduction, open reduction (plates, crews, and/or pins to fix the bone in place), immobilization. Complete immobilization is not ideal due to the fact that weight bearing activities help with the strengthening of the bones.

d. Have you or someone you know had a fracture? I have had a few of my family members that have had fractures in their lifetime. My little brother hairline fractured his thumb, and my daughter had a greenstick fracture on both her radius and ulna. How was it treated? Both had immobilizing casts in order to set the bones in place. What was the outcome? Both members made a full recovery and bones set nicely. Since the injuries happened at such an early age for both the amount of time for recovery was not as long as any normal adult.

  1. John is training for a marathon and recently he has been experiencing knee pain. He subsequently went to the doctor for a diagnosis.

. What are the possible diagnoses for his knee pain? Bursitis, Patella femoral pain syndrome, Posterior cruciate ligament strain.

a. What is the structure and function of the synovial joint of the knee? It is the free movement between two bones; it acts as the fulcrum of a lever between the joints.

b. What is knee synovitis? That is the inflammation of the synovial space between the joint spaces.

c. What might the doctor recommend to John to treat his symptoms? The doctor may recommend that John take an anti-inflammatory along with ice compression in order to increase mobility and decrease the pain.

d. What are some holistic approaches to treating his symptoms? Ginger extract along with mild acetaminophen. From experience there is also acupuncture, which releases endorphins in order to reduce the amount of pain in the area.