The Marshall Plan


It was unbelievable that after the war had ended, Europe experienced shortage of food which came in line with numerous debts which the country was supposed to pay. It is after the harsh winter which affected the country when The Marshall Plan was introduced so as to deal with humanitarian aspects. The essay is all about the Marshall plan and what it led to in the Europe after the war.


Bismarck and the unification of Germany

Most of the people argue that Otto played a big role in the German unification but the fact of the matter is that there were some factors which contributed to the unification of the German after the war. Although he did not achieve the unification alone, it is evidently that he was the core activist of the factors such as the Zollverein which led to the unification. Unlike Keynes who argued that the unification of German was brought by the “coal and iron”, Otto hardly knows that was is not for “blood and iron” German could had not had that unification, (Library of Congress 2010).

Assassination of Franz and the world war I

Being the heir of Austro-Hungarian, Franz was assassinated by Gavril in a place called Bosnia. His assassinators were among the Black Hand members and it was because Serbian had refused to fund the Black Hand group which was an agreement. When Serbian refused to fund the Black Hand, the group opted for a war. Russia united with the Serbian which forced German to collaborate with Austria-Hungary and the whole lot joined into a way system. As a result of the government to investigate who were assassinators of Franz, they started war which some of countries joined, (Library of Congress 2010).

Neville Chamberlain

It is evidently that Neville was wrong when he tried to say that “we have achieved peace in our time.” During those times of war, it is evidently that Neville was just a mere person who had no vision or strategies of how they could have found peace during the war. Although he claims that they have found peace, he died even before the war started. Although he thought that he was smart, his ambitions of becoming a big person made him think that they had found peace only to found him on the wrong track of those peace decisions, (Alexander 1948).

The treaty of Versailles and the World War II

One of the main causes which made German’s land to lose was that German had reparations which were so strong as compared to other countries. Since other countries thought that those reparations were bad and blamed the Germans, the World War II resulted because Germans had that need of revenging. Although most of historians think that the World War II was somehow a personal war of the Hitler, it is evidently that it was in a form of revenge. Since the country was forced to pay all the debts caused by the war and not to have any say over the other countries, Hitler come in the form of revenge for that because the country had gone into depression for long period, (Alexander 1948).

Fall of Romanov dynasty and Nuremberg trails

Alexis rule the country after the death of Mikhail. He ruled the country from 1645-1676 later after being arrested and murdered with his family by the solders in the year 1918. Since Alexis solely depended on the advise from his advisors, he greatly failed because those advisors to an advantage over his disease and never gave him a good advice on how to deal with issues which affected the country. The dynasty felled during the war when he was arrested and killed with his family. During that time, there was a chain of trails which affected the country. The trial of the major war criminals which come in the year 1945-1946 was one of the greatest trials the country experienced. On October 16, 1946 the country went into a serious hit because ten of the great men were hanged. It was with great shock because the trials which were recorded by them figured to more than 200 because there were more than 24 executions, 35 acquittals and the rest were imprisonment trials, (Alexander 1948).

European imperialism in the 19th century

It is evidently that by the year 1900 Europe had it established it colonial territories which other colonial countries could not enter. It is during this time when the country was feared by those other small countries because they were abusing the power they had in instilling fear to the countries they hard target. One of the causes of the European imperialism was the interest on the Chinese sliver which earned them lot money. Another thing which made their way was the market of the drugs which they were getting from India, (Library of Congress 2010).

The Marshall Plan and Cuban missile crisis

Marshall Plan was a European programme which aimed at recovering the economic status of the country after the Second World War. The European nation had suffered from food shortage and thus the Marshall Plan was put into place by one of the European Generals by the name General George Marshall. The plan was aimed at providing food to the farmers who were unable to get something for their daily life. The government of the Europe was against the plan which later got support to the British foreigners. The most group which benefited from the plan was those farmers who were unable to raise food for their families. It was in the year 1962 when the so called U-2 group discovered that the Soviet Union was aiming at releasing some missiles. The president was against the issue although there were some of the members of the government who were not giving the support. The president called a meeting and found the way forward on what should be done on that issue. The issue comes into a manageable situation when Khrushchev gave information that he was in a position to terminate the missile and send it back from where it had come from, (Alexander 1948).

The Berlin Airlift and the dissolution of Henry VIII’s first marriage

One of the ingenious solutions which were found during the cold war included the Berlin airlift among others. The Berlin airlift come as a result of separation or the division of the German districts. Initially the solution was not seen to be successful until late when they saw the meaning of getting fleets to the western Berlin. The idea of the so called the Berlin airlift come into operation when the country though of the war which could have resulted from the Russia. The issue of the Berlin airlift was accomplished by increasing the number of planes which were used to operate and with the help of the pilots who volunteered to offer that service, the solution come into operation, (Library of Congress 2010).

Political savvy of Napoleon Bonaparte of France and the “Reign of Terror”

The study shows that Napoleon come from a family which was poor only to become an emperor in the age of 30. It was amazing that he graduated from the military training school when he was only 15 and this is when his political savvy come it operation. During this time he promised a lot of promises which most never thought would come it realization. He played a big role in his family because he comes to be the head of his family shortly after his father’s death in the year 1793 before he graduated from the military school. It is evident that Napoleon never wanted just a simple power but wanted to create some imperial power which he was able due to the skills and the ambitions he had since he was young. The ‘Reign of Terror’was that special time of the French revolution. During this time people were executed and the activities were led by some groups which had given them power such as the Maxmillian Robespierre. This is violence period which was experienced shortly after the Revolution which was experienced in the French territories after the war. The so called reign terror ended when Robespierre was executed, (Library of Congress 2010). 


Library of Congress,For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan.2010.Retrieved from, on November 24, 2010

Alexander, S. S. The Marshall plan: National Planning Association, 1948