Telehealth advantages and also the risks/issues it might have for Advanced Practice Nurses (APN/NPs) 

Telehealth advantages and also the risks/issues it might have for Advanced Practice Nurses (APN/NPs)

1. Please discuss the advantages of Telehealth, and also the risks/issues it might have for Advanced Practice Nurses (APN/NPs)
2. Then, conclude with advices and tips for using Telemedicine
3. Read this article, most of the information is here… (Telehealth and Legal Implications for Nurse Practitioners, 2018), but we need to use 2-3 references. Will upload 2 more articles so you can get some information from them and use the reference.

**Telehealth and Legal Implications for Nurse Practitioners (Uploaded)
Balestra, M. (2018). Telehealth and legal implications for nurse practitioners. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 14(1), 33-39. DOI:10.1016/j.nurpra.2017.10.003