Stress Disorders

Stress results to conditions or incidences that make someone feel anxious such that you are not comfortable with whatever you are doing. It’s not always that what one may term to be the cause of stress is certain to someone else. Situations that cause stress are not known because they just come by themselves. Stress disorders can be caused with threatening conditions or thoughts that one never expected and they are creating uneasiness situation. Take for example; people who have survived from a plane crash can develop stress disorders simply because this is trauma which is not manageable. Survivors of stress disorders in most of the time try to cope with trauma situations in different ways such as taking drugs, (Sharma, 2005).

When an individual experiences thoughts which are threatening, a situation which makes body freeze is realized. This is a cause of stress disorder simply because the threat on life is perceived in a situation which results to stress. When the body tries to react on life threatening information some mechanisms which are produced by the body might results to situations which are beyond controllable. Reacting to situations which are life threatening is one of the difficult situations simply because at times our bodies tend to react in a way which develops stress other than managing what we are undergoing. At times one can manage the situation at that particular time but later in life develop some thoughts remembering the incidence which brings stress, (Ford, 2009).

Since stress disorders are part of our life, there are some means by which we can treat, recover or even manage those who have been caught with the condition. There are certain big organizations such as the Red Cross which is responsible for circumstances which are big and causes stress disorders. Diagnosis is one of the methods which are used to treat individuals who have been suffering from critical conditions of trauma and other forms which causes stress disorders. Rehabilitation programs which provides information or services to deal with stress disorder is another type of treatment activity which plays a major role in ensuring that stress disorders has been managed well. In the modern day, there are programs provided by therapists such as the behavioral therapy program which provides measures on how to prevent situations which can cause stress disorders and at the same time they provide ways to handle stress whenever it arises, (Sharma, 2005).

Some of common stressors which I do encounter and most people do include flashbacks, experiencing bad dreams and coming into contact with situations which you can not handle in future. Some of the situations which one is not in a position to handle are whereby you are forcing yourself to see or work in a place where you are not safe. Some situations will remain in the mind. In some instances, having enjoyable moments can at times cause stress later but of people does not realize this. In order to prevent stress that result from flashback memories, the best thing to do is to prevent going to activities or situations which you think that later they will cause problems. In respect to enjoyable moments, it’s wise to limit yourself to joy which is manageable and that will not cause anything in future, (Ford, 2009).


Ford, J. D. (2009). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Scientific and Professional    Dimensions: Academic Press

Sharma, R. (2005). Stress Disorders: Manoj Publications