A Species on Its Own: An Analysis of the Song of the Dodo

 a. corresponding section

It has been noted with great concern that the island animals face extinction much more easily than the other biogeography settings.

  1. The song of the dodo examines the nature of extinction in itself without being affected by the environment.
  2. the early evolution series and how they may lead to early extinctions. What is the purpose of evolution and its nature in extinction.
  3. the effects of geographical setting in evolution that is how they influence and affect the evolution of animals and adaptation.
  4. the effects of geographical evolution in extinction of animals. What is the importance of weather and climate in the adaptation or failure to adapt for species.
  5. how can these geographical features be manipulated to reduce the chances of extinction or provide time for adaptation of the animals.

B. Evidence Provision

With the help of Kris my most trusted literary sound board and scientific assistant (Pg 637), I have produced a book that examines the mysteries of evolution and extinction.

C. Adaptation Methods

according to Campbell, the animals in island geographies have developed special characteristics and behavior that sometimes succeed in reducing extinction while other times they accelerate. For example he agrees with Quammen (1996) that sea urchins lay their eggs outside so they are not incapacitated for the period of time the eggs take to hatch. Whereas this practice has succeeded in protecting the mothers, the eggs are often exposed to terrible hazards such as predators (snakes), floods and other destructive hazards. This has reduced the urchin population greatly.

D. Interesting Facts

the most interesting fact to note perhaps is that adaptation does not always lead to greater survival rates. Whereas it is assumed that evolution assures better survival rates, some geographic areas such as islands make evolution and adaptation to one point of nature a vulnerability to another. The unpredictability of these climatic regions makes extinction easier.

E. Preston Bell And The Coming Thing

1. islands are important for the survival of species that often require high water intakes. The species found in islands are often rare and complex, illuminating the knowledge of species and the nature of survival in science

2. each island is defined by an area circumference upon which species can survive with the influence of islandic matter. There are areas of the island where species may find it hard to survive.

3. the variability of species is dependent upon the area of colonization. It is the circumstances and environment of this area that necessitate the development of new species.

4. the islands are often divided to colony strategies such as water, deep water and land colonies, each utilized by some species for reproduction and food. Each colony strategy has different adaptation needs.

5. evolutionary changes occur within the colonization. The colonies define the need for change, adaptation and evolution.


Campbell, N.A. & Reece, J.B. (2005) Biology,  8th edition.

Quammen, David. (1996). The Song Of The Dodo. New York, Scribner