Rhetorical Triangle

                     Communication is indispensably a trilateral relationship that comprises of logos, ethos and pathos. Logos is the idea or the message in which a sender must use effective augmentative facts to support his statistics and details. Pathos is the emotion or force that one must use so as to touch the feelings of the audience and appeal to their emotions. Ethos is the manner and form in which a speaker or writer has to use in order to convince his audience that he is trustworthy. This can only be achieved if the information sender presents him/herself as well as possible.

Each part of this triangle influences the audiences and are both influenced by the context of the topic in communication. The participants of a rhetorical triangle are therefore the speaker, the audience and the situation they are in. They bare the responsibility of ensuring effectiveness of the communication. The following two videos will be analyses in this context.

Abnormal psychology

Dr. Arthur. J (2010) faces of abnormal psychology. Retrieved from


On 23rd  March 2010

This video presents the topic of abnormal psychology. Both the written and spoken communication is effective to pass the desired information to the audience. The audiovisual presentation of this video is of high quality. Each type of disorder is discussed at the length

The speakers are categorized into two. There are those who present each of the topics, they give brief information of each page, where by, we learn of the clients being interviewed, Their medical history, age, gender and all the personal information of the client’s life like relatives and friends. All this is under the ‘summary of the task’.

Doctor Arthur exposes the various disorders with good examples from patients suffering from the disorders. He presents brief information concerning the clients by putting the disorder in medical terms. He offers information of various diagnoses and their treatment. He also presents case studies, statistics, logical reasoning and facts. The authority in his voice makes us as the voice of the audience we as the audience to be engrossed get to trust him. We find his findings credible and reliable as source of information. The situation is that of a medical field which enables us as the viewers to understand the purpose and reason of the presentation thus achieving effective communication (Arthur, 2010).

Crohn’s diseases

You-tube (2010) embarrassing illness-Crohn’s diseases. Retrieved from www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rNiezP5OD4

On 23rd March 2010

This is a video which presents a situation where a young man, Jack visits a clinician after suffering form chronic diahorea since childhood. He suspects to be having the embarrassing disease Crohn’s Disease. The video explores the ailments of the diseases and its conditions which leaves the audience quit embarrassed. The video aim to de-stigmatize the common complains associated with this condition. The speaker advises those that have the same symptoms like the ones Jack is suffering from to visit clinicians.

There is a brief interview between the clinician sand the patient where we learn of the various signs and symptoms of the Crohn’s Disease. Statistics, of this problem is said to happen to 1 in 1500 people and is inheritable (You-tube, 2010).

This video compared to that on faces of disorder is not much comprehensive it has specialized on Crohn’s disease yet there are various embarrassing diseases that can be presented as one entity. A face of disorder presentation has effective techniques by the use of visual aid as well a speech. It also shows competencies in human interaction by giving the audience information concerning the video.


You-tube (2010) embarrassing illness-Crohn’s diseases. Retrieved from


On 23rd March 2010

Dr. Arthur. J (2010) faces of abnormal psychology. Retrieved from


On 23rd March 2010