Response to another student\’s assignment #2

My assignment is to respond or give feedback to the assignment of another student. I will post the student assignment and you can help me to respond to her. The most important thing is to give feedback, generate more knowledge on what the student is talking and support your response with Scholarly research articles
*Assignment: Identify a human-technology interface you encountered in clinical practice which needs improving. Provide a detailed replacement plan for the interface incorporating one of the axioms presented in the readings this week. How can this interface improve patient care? This assignment was done by the student.
You did this assignment recently for me, that we had to apply the 3 Axions (mentioned on the textbook) to the human interface that needed improvement. So I will upload the chapter again. You can provide feedback to the student and generate knowledge on what she is reporting needs human-interface improvement and the how the axioms can help in improving human-interface computer interactions.
Response requirements: All responses should be a minimum of 350 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 2 references are required (other than your textbook). We need 2 scholarly articles and we can also reference out textbook: Informatics for Health Professionals,( Mastrian & McGonigle, 2017). Please use only scholarly professional articles (nothing from the internet .com, or conferences or other books).

• Response has to be supported with 2 professional/scholarly articles or research paper. You can add the text book as a reference as well, but this will be a 3rd reference, 2 must be from articles. References must include “DOI or retrieved from”

Let me know if you have any other questions

I work in primary care, as a nurse practitioner and provide care to children and adults. I work in a clinic.