Registered Nurse caring for Tom

You are the Registered Nurse caring for Tom, you will need to process the information provided to:

  • identify the issues 
  • establish goals (what do you want to happen)
  • select a course of action (what are you going to      do)

A good starting point is to ensure you research and understand the terms above which are in bold.

Module three will provide you with a range of resources to assist you with your case study.


  • 1- Please      write your paper in the first person.
  • 2- You      may use headings, images, tables and dot points to convey information.
  • 3- For the purpose of this assessment      task Tom lives in Tasmania.
  • 4- Please      read the rubric for this assessment before you start writing.
  • 5- use references in text and list (Harvard style) 8 references at least.

Just follow Tasmanian legislation.