

  1. Diagnosing Randy
  • Delusions-he is suffering from this behavior which an individual undergoes false belief. He believes that his brains were carried out by the TV people.
  • Disorganized speech. He keeps on taking to himself whenever walking or working of which no one understands what he says.
  • Negative symptoms-he thinks his family is of no help and that is what makes him withdraw from the family and goes away to stay alone.

  1. Duration of the experience

Randy was a bright in his young age but later in his college age he is affected by the disorder. Ever since he broke up with his girl friend that is when he was in the second year in college, he attained the symptoms that revealed that he was suffering.

  1. Type of schizophrenia

He is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. With type of schizophrenia, an individual usually work normal but there are certain behaviors which seems to be abnormal but in a normal situation no one can point them out. The patient with this type reluctantly refuses to disclose the type of pain he or she is undergoing through until late ages.

  1. Schizophrenia before diner

Before the dinner, Randy was suffering from early detection of schizophrenia. This is also known as the prodrome phase where it’s difficult to know whether the person is suffering from such kind of disease. During this time the patient may hide the pain simply because he does not want realities.

  1. Schizophrenia at the diner

At the time of diner, he was in the acute schizophrenia phase. At this point the patient reaches the point whereby he is unable to control his behaviors thus exercising what he feels to the surrounding.

Explaining Randy’s schizophrenia

  1. Genetic factor

Due to the relationship that may be there between the father and Randy’s brother, there is likelihood that the schizophrenia might have resulted from that. Genes passes from one person to the other through birth and since his father had such disorders, it might be possible for him to get the genes from his father.

  1. Biochemical abnormalities

The brain effect which Randy keeps on complaining that it was affected could be the biochemical abnormality that might have caused the schizophrenia.

  1. Role of the family

First the family is in a state of suffering from same disorders. When his father is asked whether he would like the child to be checked, he refuses. Another thing is that he is ignored by the father thus he moves to stay alone.

  1. Social factors

Randy was in love with a girl when he was in his first year in college. After breaking up with her, his grades started dropping. The social aspect whereby he is being left might cause or increase the level of disorder he is suffering.

Treating Randy

  1. Assessments

The first thing is to learn his behaviors. In the process of learning the behaviors this is when you will point out some important behaviors that will help you recommend the best diagnosing and treating approach that should be used.

  1. Type of medication

With the situation which Randy is, I would recommend two types of medication. He may use the drug medication. Use of drugs will try and reduce the level of effect. There is also the therapy approach. He can also use both.

  1. Mental health

Visiting a psychologist will help him get mental health treatments. With use of personal therapy Randy will manage to heal the situation which he is going through.

  1. Other services

Counseling is another type of service that Randy should be provided with. If he get counseling and interact with people, this will help him very much thus recover from the illness.