Question: “Talked To The Text (Links To An External Site.)Links To An External Site.” Helps Increase Comprehension And Allows You To Find Important Ideas More Readily. Talk To Text DemonstrationThis Week, Let’s Practice Talking To The Text With Carol Dweck’s Brainology (Links To An External Site.)Links To An External Site.. As You Read “Brainology,” Identify …

Question: “Talked To The Text (Links To An External Site.)Links To An External Site.” Helps Increase Comprehension And Allows You To Find Important Ideas More Readily. Talk To Text DemonstrationThis Week, Let’s Practice Talking To The Text With Carol Dweck’s Brainology (Links To An External Site.)Links To An External Site.. As You Read “Brainology,” Identify …

“Talked to the Text (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.“helps increase comprehension and allows you to find important ideasmore readily. Talk to Text Demonstration

This week, let’s practice Talking tothe Text with Carol Dweck’s Brainology (Links to an external site.)Links to an externalsite..

As you read “Brainology,” identifythree important ideas, one challenging passage, one golden line,and 5 important (or unfamiliar) words.

Importantideas are pieces of information you believe arevital to the author’s message. In the margin, write any thoughts,connections, predictions, or questions.   

Challenging passages areinstances in the text where you got confused. In the margin, writedown what about the passage confused you–was it the language used,the sentence structure, an unfamiliar reference, etc?

A golden line is the MOSTimportant sentence for you in the text. In the margin, write whyyou think the sentence (or two) you identified isimportant.

Important words are words youthink are important to the author’s message. Identify 5 and jotdown a definition in the margin. Alternatively, you can identifyunfamiliarwords that you have not seen before or maybe youjust forgot the definition.

Once you have identified these FOURpieces, you will take a picture of them in your article and uploadthem here. To get full credit, you need pictures of 3 importantideas, 1 challenging passage, 1 golden line, and 3-5 important orunfamiliar words.