Preliminary Search for Evidence

Preliminary Search for Evidence

Identify your PICO(T) question.
Perform at least two searches in relevant databases .
Select keywords from your PICO(T) question with which to start your search.
Identify subject headings for your search.
Combine searches using the Boolean connector “AND.”
Limit the final search by selecting defining parameters (i.e., English, research, peer reveiwed etc).
For each database used, create a file with a table to display the results of your search. Place each table in its own Word document using the Sample Database Table for PICOTQuestion (Word).

Professor’s Tips

The articles should include only current evidence (published within the last 5 years). You may use class resources, but these will be in addition to the final 12 published works. Do not use secondary references unless absolutely necessary (obtain approval from the instructor before using secondary sources).

As we move forward you will need to determine if you are able to obtain enough quality articles for this course. If you cannot find enough articles for this PICOT you should consider refining / editing your PICOT; it is OK as long as you are still using the topic your instructor approved. Some of you may find that after doing this preliminary search for evidence the direction of the PICO(T) will question change.