
The study seeks to examine the issue of Poverty, which is a worldwide problem shared by both developed and underdeveloped countries. This study is important because there has been a gradual widening of the gap between the rich and the poor over the last few decades. This implies that there has been a gradual increase in the number of people living in poverty. The situation is especially worse in underdeveloped countries and hence, this study will help such countries to implement possible poverty reduction strategies.

The success of the implemented strategies would be vital in pinpointing future opportunities for the developing and underdeveloped countries globally.This study would enable people living in poverty –stricken areas to gin a theoretical understanding of what poverty entails. Such people feel that there are limited chances for them to succeed. Therefore a theoretical understanding would be beneficial in creating opportunities for people living in poverty.

Countries may also adopt various policy measures to cope with poverty, which is a global phenomenon. The research study would also examine the various challenges that governments are facing in the course of attempting to implement poverty reduction strategies. Consequently solutions to those challenges would be determined. Finally, the study would aid in coming up with effective poverty reduction framework that can be applied to all countries globally.