Pop Culture Argument

 Legalizing Gay Marriage


Gay marriage can also be called same sex- marriage which is between two people of the same sex. Currently, in the United States, the federal government does not recognize same sex marriage thorough the Defense of Marriage Act. Only three states have legalized same sex marriage through court ruling and votes from respective legislatures. Same sex marriage has been granted to New Hampshire, Vermont, Washington, DC, Connecticut, Lowa, Nevada, Oregon, Maine and California and Massachusetts. The other thirty six states, still hold on to say that same sex marriage can never be a legal union.

Pop Culture Argument.

The issue of legalizing same sex marriage has arose various opposing views among the nationals. Approximately 70% of the people are not in favor of gay marriage legalization. The other proposition support the Marriage claiming that gay marriage is part of human rights. This therefore, means couples in same sax marriage should enjoy benefits just like those in straight marriages. These benefits include equal law protection, jobs, public accommodation and housing and all other government benefits.

Homosexuality and lesbianism is construction of the 20th centaury. This group has formed an identity which has conflicted with social norms causing a social problem. Medical practitioners have studied the sexual inversion phenomena as a psychological or neurological disease while earlier approaches viewed the condition as a form of insanity (Federman, 1991, p 122-3). However, homosexuality is nether a diseases or a disorder but a normal form of human sexual orientation.

The debate that surrounds same sex  marriage and relationships have been based  on social view points which  touch aspects of  religion, concerns related to health, economic arguments and so on. Studies carried out by psychologist on negative messages and conversation from the media and the public on the topic of same sex marriage is harmful to the well being of the population in terms of wealth. This is associated with discrimination that the bisexual, gay and lesbian face which causes psychiatric disorders among them. Gay activists have argued that for the psychological well being of the people within the population, same sex marriage should be supported. Jonathan Rauich who is one of the gay activists says that marriage, whether heterosexual or homosexual plays a social role in men in reducing their promiscuity and aggressions (Jonathan, 1996, p 3).

The creation of stereotypes against gays indicates the misunderstanding that the society has on gay relationships. Gays and lesbianism has the connotation of being promiscuous, uncommitted, and shallow to relationships and thus these relations don’t last.

Those who support same marriages claim that it will do well to couples in raising the children they have adapted in raising them if they are provided with social benefits. Social bodies have adapted an open opinion concerning maintaining marriage in heterosexual institution (Mello, 2004, p 45).  The American Anthropological Association supports this opinion because same sex marriage can contribute to humane and stable societies (AAA, 2010). If lovers of the same sex are allowed to marry by parents from both parties, then the couple will not suffer from stigmatization and will also enjoy the benefits provided by the family. Such couples have been studied as being responsible in family duties and skills in parenting just like in heterosexual couples.

LesBiGay communities and individuals have stood to prove stereotypes against them wrong.  They have insisted that being gay does not simply, mean being promiscuous. Many of them have proved that they can be committed to their relations in attending family functions and taking up family responsibilities. Some have gone to greater extend of involving themselves in community service like volunteering and being law abiding citizens. Such values have changed the heart of many into accepting same sex relationships. Countries like Denmark, Scandinavian states and Spain have made gay marriages legal. In the US, states like Argentina and Mexico City as well as Canada have recently legalized same sex marriage. The LesBiGay community has argued that same sex relationship is not all about sex but something deeper affection and love to each other coupled with mutual attraction and commitment. Their identify according to the community is like being black in a white society or being the only  blonde amidst the Indians who are black haired (LesBiGay ,2010).

Same sex relationship is a western concept that first affected North America and is now spreading to various parts of the US and the World in general. The Annual Gay meetings which happen in Florida and Orlando in Disneyland, PFLAG convention and  Pride festivals clearly indicates how the phenomena has influenced many not only in the US and Europe but all over the world.

Religious authorities whether the mosques the church, the temple and the synagogue have scriptures which indicate that God created the relation between a man and a woman as a scared union. The denial of this unison in today’s society by accepting homosexuality shows man’s violation of God’s will. The holy bible also indicate that marriage is for procreation and when the same sex marry, families are damaged and the whole society in general. Traditionally marriage is a heterosexual institution and people will never be comfortable with the idea of same sex marriage (Snyder, 2006, p 634)

Same sex marriage violates the sanctity of marriage which is an idea that is fundamentally religious. As a God fearing nation, we should not be held responsible for weakening the relationship between the state and the church. Though religion is optional to anyone, it does not mean that man has the right to oppose what God has ordained in any way. Therefore, the biblical teachings should guide in how policy makers, leaders and the citizens determine the Bill of Rights. Gay sex is equivalent to the status of sodomy which is sinful and a behavior associated with animals (Bidstrup, 2000). Legitimizing gay marriages would undermine the laws of sodomy.

Risings children in a same sex marriage is not suitable for the growth of children. Many gay couples adopt children and as these children grow up, they will think that same sex marriage is a norm and will also do the same. These gay parents have in the recent years been seen taking their children to events organized by gays which are of extreme indecency and self indulgence. Disney Park is one this spots which has transformed its property from being a healthy, innocent place that helped in the stimulation of children’s imagination into a place that would condition the innocent minds of the children into appreciating homosexuality. Many nationals see it as a silent, invisible and effective form of changing people’s minds without it being challenged (Cline, 2010).


Encouraging same sex marriage shows how our society is moral decaying as the years goes by. Marriage should be heterosexual as the bible teaches and how our fore fathers have been doing. The federal and state laws should support these values by implementing laws which will limit and eliminate lesbian and gay communities from misguiding the minds of conservative Americans.


Cline, A. (2010) Arguments against gay marriage: is marriage for having children?

Retrieved from


On April 26, 2010

Freedman S, (2003) Gay marriage open gate to social stability. Retrieved from


On 26th April 2003

Mello. M (2004). Legalizing Gay Marriage. Philadelphia, Temple University Press.

Snyder. C (2006). Gay Marriage and Democracy. Maryland, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.

  1. E (2004). Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality and Gay’s People’s Right to Marry. New York, Simon and Schuster Publishers.

Rauch, J (1996) For Better or Worse. The case for gay (and straight) marriage. The New Republic.

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On June 26, 2010.

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On June 26, 2010