Nurse Staffing Challenge in Acute Care Hospitals

Nurse Staffing Challenge in Acute Care Hospitals

Tasks: In Phase 2 of the project, you are to complete an annotated bibliography. You will identify at least 15 scholarly sources which cannot be more than five years old unless they are considered seminal literature.
You will then prepare a descriptive and evaluative paragraph (approximately 150 words) for at least four (4) of your sources. Each of the four sources must be cited using the APA format and must include the following:
• A brief summary (2–3 sentences) about the author\’s research purpose, methods, and key findings, as well as identified the type of study: quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods study.
• An evaluation of the quality, credibility, and reliability of the sources using the prompts provided in the assignment.
• A reflective statement on each source’s relevance to your research topic/research questions and potential use as part of your final literature review.