NUR-4636 Community Nursing: Community Health Planning, Implementation and Evaluation

NUR-4636 Community Nursing: Community Health Planning, Implementation and Evaluation

A plan is a comprehensive scheme that contains a specific set of objectives are set to be achieved. Plans are intentional and must conform to the required goals. Taylor 2014 affirms that plans are created to give a general outlook of the way the things will turn out if the aims of the activity are accomplished. In my essay, I will focus on the healthcare plan that is set to satisfy the different medical needs of people by providing adequate primary care to individuals the society.

The community consists of different sectors that are occupied by individuals from various areas. More so, the society needs to integrate quality medical care so it can run its operations smoothly. This is enabled by the different stages of health nursing activities that promote healthcare in the community. Furthermore, to develop an appropriate health strategy, evaluation of the population needs, problems, and factors affecting medical care in the region are essential aspects to consider in the plan. (Gupta, 2017)This can be achieved by interviewing particular individuals in the community to find out on the groups, individuals, organizations, and family essentials. Also, there are four types of necessities that you need to find out from the various people. These needs include the comparative, supposed, normative, and articulated needs. Moreover, these can be done through inspection of the individuals.

Community participation is essential in constructing of a productive healthcare design since the society can address its health problems effectively. Additionally, incorporating the community in the establishment of the plan helps to adequately deal with the health issues in the various spheres of the people. (Taylor, 2014) These spheres include the personal, intragroup, community, inter-organization, and civil action. Moreover, it is vital to consider certain factors that help in analyzing of the priorities of the public. Such elements are crucial in the creation of the scheme, and they consist of the population affected by the health issue, the impact of the problem on the people, the total preferences of individuals, applied concerns, and possible solutions to the health issue. (Gupta, 2017) Again, inspection and palpation are vital assessments that are used to evaluate these problems in the society.

There are various steps in the establishment of a healthcare plan that are vital and need to be given weight when developing the project. First, planning is critical to determine the level of intervention, design for the response, and validate the intervention level constrain to the limited resources. Secondly, there have to be clear and realistic objectives for the plan that will result in the success of the strategy. (Taylor, 2014) Also, intervention is crucial, and an interesting stage where the execution has to conform to the plan considers various strategies and anticipates immediate issues. Lastly, analysis of the process is necessary by receiving feedback, reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of each stage, and communicating through following up on the recommendations of the process. Also, evaluation of the formative and summative features is essential before giving views on the proposals. All these stages should be included when forming a health plan to ensure it turns out effectively. Consequently, different assessments techniques should be used to foster the medical program.

In a nutshell, a healthcare plan is designed to help the medical practitioners provide quality healthcare to the community. (Gupta, 2017) The plan should consider all the factors mentioned above for it to function effectively. Above all, the health plan should help the community and ensure that individuals receive quality healthcare, which will improve their lives.

Community Health Planning, Implementation and Evaluation

Case 1

Care Plans

· Stress; on a 20-year-old patient


The objective is to determine the symptoms and signs of the illness. They were found to be as indicated herein.

· Facial tension

· Had poor eye contact

· The lips and skin are pale

· Seems restless and tired

· Demonstrates a feeling of tension, pressure, and weakness


Stress is the set of events or circumstances or the event that can make a person have a series of disrupted response. This is in most cases caused by the stressors or by the actions of noxious stimuli. The stress levels in people have different levels, as some can be high while others are low (Hales, 2013).


There is an overload of stress, which is related to:

· Lack of adequate resources to deal with the issues. This was verbalized by the computed tomography


After a week of computed tomography with nursing intervention, the results will be able to:

· Plan and describe the favorable and effective ways with which the stress can be reduced

· Reduce the levels of anxiety to levels which can be easily managed

· The rate of stress will be reduced from 8 to 2


· The computed tomography levels of stress will be assessed. It is validated by asking the computed tomography if at all it is feeling stressed

· The personal reaction of the patient will be allowed and reinforced to check the reaction it has towards threats and discomforts

· Encourage the patient to be able to identify and embrace her own abilities, strengths and what she is able to do

· Also, there will be factors put in place to help identify the levels of support given by the family.


· Stress can most of the time be normal, individualized, physical, and its psychological responses affect the external and internal life events

· Expressing the emotions and feelings or otherwise talking to the people who are close to us can reduce it. This helps to reduce anxiety and stress.

· The patient will be helped to come up with ways of coping with the situations basing on previous experiences and personal strengths. To enhance the sense of having the ability to manage stress and self-concept

· Assessment of interaction with family to serve as the basis for support systems identification


· After a week of evaluation and intervention, the patient was able to:

· Plan and describe ways of stress management

· Report the levels of anxiety at levels which are manageable

· Reduce the rate of stress from 8 to 2

Case 2

Case Plan

· Inflammatory/respiratory allergic reaction; on 40-year-old women


The patient demonstrated:

· Teary eyes

· An absent cough

· Presence of sputum which is yellowish


Lack of effective airway clearance, which is related to secretion, retained as shown by secretions presence


Allergic reactions are the conditions in which the body immune system reacts to foreign bodies or substance. There are many forms of irritation, which can result from this. In this case, the respiratory reaction came about from inhalation of a foreign substance, which lead to response on the inflammatory, thus bringing increased levels of secretions in the respiratory system to get rid of the substances (Leung, 2016). The result is thereafter airway constriction that causes Dyspnea


A day of nursing intervention on the patient’s secretions is induced while the airways are kept to be secretions free. This is indicated by the ability to cough up effectively without secretions and clear sounds of the lungs when coughing.


· Ensuring that the surrounding environment is kept free of pollution with minimal smoke and dust

· Give the patient deep breathing and coughing instructions

· Elevating the bed such the head is high or putting pillows to assist in that, and having the patient to sit on the bed edge or to lean on the overhead table

· Increase the patient’s fluid intake to more than 300ml/day. Also, to provide tepid or warm liquids


· Hydration enables the reduction of secretions viscosity thus allowing for expectoration. The use of warm liquid enables bronchospasm to be reduced

· The coughing instructions allow the patient to cough effectively and remove the secretions

· Respiratory reactions which are from an allergy can be triggered by precipitators

· Bed elevation enable the respiratory functions to take place by the use of gravity


After the few hours of nursing intervention, the patient secretions were mobilized, and the airway was made secretions-free. This could be revealed by the ability to cough out the secretions effectively and the clear sounds of the lung

Case 3

Case plan

A toothache; on an 11year old boy


The patient demonstrated:

· Halitosis

· Tooth fractures

· Excessive plaque

· Tooth enamel erosion

· Discoloration of the enamel


Impaired dentition, which is related to poor oral hygiene as evidenced by halitosis and toothache


Tooth decay alternatively called the dental carries or dental cavities, is the destruction of the tooth enamel. The decay comes about due to the bacterial actions, which end up living in plaque, the whitish and sticky film that is formed by sugary substance and mucin in the mouth (Moule & Hicks, 2013). The plaque bacteria produce the acid after using starch and sugar from tooth particles on the enamel.


The process of evaluation will be able to do the following on the patient after 4 days of intervention

· Improve breath odor

· Reduce patient’s toothache

· Floss the teeth and perform the right ways of brushing independently


· The patient will be referred to a dentist, dental hygienist or the clinic for further treatment if need be.

· Will be advised to wash and rinse the mouth using a solution of salt and warm water or mouthwash or baking soda

· The patient will be shown the ways in which he can correctly brush the teeth without harming the teeth and also ways of flossing the teeth


The process aforementioned will be able to:

· Check whether there is damage of tooth or severity of the same and as such be able to provide the needed medication

· Improve or completely do away with the mouth odor, wash out the present particles that are already loosened, and loosen the available food particles in the teeth.

· Enable the patient to get valuable knowledge about the right ways of debris removal from the teeth


The nursing intervention on the patient was able to:

· Make the patient know the correct ways of flossing the teeth and having to brush independently

· Improve the mouth odor

· Ensure that a toothache felt by the patient is lessened.


Gupta, R. (2017). Wastage in healthcare needs to be tackled as part of India’s universal healthcare plan. BMJ: British Medical Journal (Online)357.

Hales, D. (2013). An invitation to health. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Leung, D. (2016). Pediatric allergy. Edinburgh: Elsevier.

Moule, A., & Hicks, M. (2013). Diagnosing dental and orofacial pain.

Taylor, M. J., McNicholas, C., Nicolay, C., Darzi, A., Bell, D., & Reed, J. E. (2014). Systematic review of the application of the plan–do–study–act method to improve quality in healthcare. BMJ Qual Saf23(4), 290-298.