Mitigating the Risks of IEDs and VBIEDs Attacks in the Aviation Industry

 The aviation industry is under imminent risks of being attacked using Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and Vehicle Bourne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs). Therefore, it is prudent to take preventive measures against these threats.

One good preventive measure is to develop security culture among employees, businesses and other stake holders in the aviation industry (Australian Department of Infrastructure, 2009). All stake holders should coordinate and develop an informed and proactive culture and adequate level of competency in dealing with IED and VBIED attacks. Aviation employees are well placed to identify suspicious activities and contribute to the disruption of terrorists’ plans. Roles and responsibilities of every stakeholder in tackling these risks should be clearly defined through awareness programs.

Risks of IEDs and VBIEDs explosion can also be mitigated by addressing vulnerabilities in the aviation industry (Kratos Enterprises, 2010). Measures such as use of barriers to increase stand of distance and limiting accesses of vehicles to potential target areas would be appropriate in curbing this risks. Other measures that would address vulnerability include: enhancing security procedures, improving surveillance, investing IEDs and VBIEDs detection devices and installing early warning systems (Ibid).

Incase planned attacks succeed there should be measures in place to minimize death, injuries, damage, economic losses and environmental degradation. These measures would be such as improving the soundness of structure, having proper emergency response systems and reducing the time taken to respond, take control and restore normality at the scene (Kratos Enterprises, 2010).


Australian Department of Infrastructure (2009), OTS Security Risk Doctrine, retrieved on October 25, 2010, from Http://…/aviation/tsp/…/OTS_Security_Doctrine.pdf
Kratos Enterprises (2010), Global Counter Improvised Explosive device, retrieved on October 25, 2010, from Http://