Management of hypertension and dyslipidemias?

Management of hypertension and dyslipidemias?
Go to Aquifer((, you don\’t have to sign in to read about this topic . if you have hard time, let me know) and read through the resource on cultural awareness under student learning resources.

After reading through this, how do you think culture may affect management of hypertension and dyslipidemias?
What would you need to do differently with a patient who is a different culture than you?

Management of hypertension and dyslipidemias?
Discuss “implicit bias” as it pertains to healthcare.
How can we overcome implicit bias as healthcare providers?

Work 2 (2 pages) 3-4 references
Choose one of the three Aquifer cases from this week.(I have attached 1case)

Discuss how that patient and the management may be affected by social determinants of health.
Feel free to be creative in assigning a cultural and/or socioeconomic background to your patient.
Also, consider the cultural assignment on Aquifer from last week.

work 3 (1 page) 2 references
A seventy-year-old female patient who is well known to you comes to see you because she feels like she may be drinking \”too much\” lately. She says she has a martini before dinner and usually 2-3 glasses of wine in the evening.

What is your response to her?
What evidence of this do you find?
She also wants to know if there are any medications that can help her with this.

What is your response?

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