Management Information System

Management Information System

Provide details regarding how the departments in your organization could benefit from the implementation of the Information System (IS) technologies that you are studying in this course. Some departments to consider are Human Resources, Information Technology, Maintenance, Marketing, Operations, Reservations, and Sales. Distinguishing how the ISs will benefit your company,
•Provide details and examples of applications and solutions offered by retail vendors.
•Describe the framework for each solution that the internal staff of your company might develop and implement.
•Present an account of the strengths, weaknesses, and cost considerations for those solutions.
•Finally, identify and describe how a solution can provide a competitive advantage, influence strategy, affect organizational performance, and increase operational efficiency.

The following are the submission requirements for this assignment:

•Begin the Body of the Text section with the centered title of the paper.

•Follow the title of the paper with a brief paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences that introduces the need for IS solutions in your company. Be sure to include the titles of your five selected topics in your introduction paragraph.

• Submit researched scholarly data for all of the IS-related solutions that you selected.

•Submit a minimum of TWO full pages of double-spaced text in the Body of the Text section for EACH IS-related solution. The MINIMUM number of submitted pages in the Body of the Text section is TEN full pages. The Title, Abstract, Reference List pages, and the paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences that introduce the need for IS-related solutions in your company are not considered part of the “TEN full pages” in the Body of the Text section requirement
•Precede the paragraphed data for each topic in the Body of the Text section with the centered-title of the topic.

•A minimum of FIVE primary reference sources outside of the course textbook are required to be cited and referenced in the document submission (ONE per topic).

•As you do your research and compose data for each of the IS-related solutions in each assignment, keep up the Reference List page and make notes for the data in the Conclusion page section that you will compose of in your final draft document.

After researching the last topic to complete the Abstract page, the Conclusion section, and the Reference List page of your paper.

For this Research Project paper, remember to utilize only primary reference sources outside of the course textbook. For information regarding primary reference sources, select Academic Resources in the course (Start Here section). Reviewing this data will greatly assist you in locating outside primary reference sources and utilizing APA Style formatting and composition throughout the project.
Also, be sure to use the Course Specific APA Style Instructions and Guidance page for the APA style requirements in this assignment
The basic writing style for your research project should follow the recommendations of the current APA Manual, Section 8.03. The text throughout the document should be

•Double-spaced lines

•Typeface 12-point size

•Times New Roman font

•1-inch margins

Provide details regarding how the departments in your organization could benefit from the implementation of the Information System (IS) technologies that you are studying in this course. Some departments to consider are Human Resources, Information Technology, Maintenance, Marketing, Operations, Reservations, and Sales. Distinguishing how the ISs will benefit your company,
•Provide details and examples of applications and solutions offered by retail vendors.
•Describe the framework for each solution that the internal staff of your company might develop and implement.
•Present an account of the strengths, weaknesses, and cost considerations for those solutions.
•Finally, identify and describe how a solution can provide a competitive advantage, influence strategy, affect organizational performance, and increase operational efficiency.

The following are the submission requirements for this assignment:

The document that you submit for this project submission should consist only of a

•Page 1: Title page with the Page Header
•Page 2: Abstract page with only the Page Header and the centered word “Abstract”
(NOT in bold font)
•Page 3: Body of the text page with only the Page Header and the list of your five IS-related solutions immediately followed by the centered word “Conclusion” in bold font (The Conclusion section does NOT have its own separate page.)
•Page 4: Reference List page with only the Page Header and the centered word “References” (NOT in bold font) Details Title Page (Page 1): Page one of your ‘barebones’ template is a properly formatted APA style Title Page. The Title Page contains a page header that includes the words \"Running head:\" in ‘sentence case’ as shown here (No quotation marks). The title of your paper (also known as the “running head”) is presented in UPPERCASE letters and immediately follows the phrase “Running head:.” The page number is placed at the right-side tab location on the same line as the title of your paper. The Page Headers on all the pages following the Title Page present the title of the paper in UPPERCASE letters only, leaving out the preceding phrase, “Running head:.” The page numbers are included in the Page Headers in a similar manner as presented on the Title Page. Abstract Page (Page 2): Only the Page Header and the centered word “Abstract” (NOT in bold font/no quotation marks) is presented on this page in this assignment. Note: You will fill in the Abstract data when you finish composing the final draft of your document in the last research project assignment. Body of Text Page (Page 3): Page three of your template should contain only the Page Header and a list of the titles of the five IS-related solutions that you selected from the thirteen IS-related solutions provided below, and immediately followed by the centered word \"Conclusion\" in bold font in the Body of Text page. In the later milestones, you will replace the titles in the list with centered titles and the IS-related solution data. Note: You must select your five IS-related solutions from the list below.
•Digital Dashboard with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
•Transaction Processing System (TPS)
•Decision Support System (DSS)
•Cloud Computing
•Database Management System (DBMS)
•Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
•Electronic Records Management (ERM)
•Mobile Infrastructure
•Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
•Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
•Transportation Management System (TMS)
•Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
•Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Reference List Page (Page 4): Only the Page Header and the centered word “References” (NOT in bold font/no quotation marks) is presented on this page in this assignment.

•Begin the Body of the Text section with the centered title of the paper.

•Follow the title of the paper with a brief paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences that introduces the need for IS solutions in your company. Be sure to include the titles of your five selected topics in your introduction paragraph.

• Submit researched scholarly data for all of the IS-related solutions that you selected.

•Submit a minimum of TWO full pages of double-spaced text in the Body of the Text section for EACH IS-related solution. The MINIMUM number of submitted pages in the Body of the Text section is TEN full pages. The Title, Abstract, Reference List pages, and the paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences that introduce the need for IS-related solutions in your company are not considered part of the “TEN full pages” in the Body of the Text section requirement
•Precede the paragraphed data for each topic in the Body of the Text section with the centered-title of the topic.

•A minimum of FIVE primary reference sources outside of the course textbook are required to be cited and referenced in the document submission (ONE per topic).

•As you do your research and compose data for each of the IS-related solutions in each assignment, keep up the Reference List page and make notes for the data in the Conclusion page section that you will compose of in your final draft document.

After researching the last topic to complete the Abstract page, the Conclusion section, and the Reference List page of your paper.

For this Research Project paper, remember to utilize only primary reference sources outside of the course textbook. For information regarding primary reference sources, select Academic Resources in the course (Start Here section). Reviewing this data will greatly assist you in locating outside primary reference sources and utilizing APA Style formatting and composition throughout the project.
Also, be sure to use the Course Specific APA Style Instructions and Guidance page for the APA style requirements in this assignment
The basic writing style for your research project should follow the recommendations of the current APA Manual, Section 8.03. The text throughout the document should be
•Double-spaced lines

•Typeface 12-point size

•Times New Roman font

•1-inch margins

Be sure to use current APA style for in-text citations and references. You are required to cite and reference any data that you have \"borrowed\" from a reference source. This requirement pertains to both direct quotes and data that you may have paraphrased. Use the Academic Resources and Course