learning need assessment

learning need assessment

Each of you will reflect on your own practicum environment to determine the population for the Needs Assessment. The population here is ..students…… You will develop a brief Needs Survey (10-20 questions) based on some educational activity planned. You can read about assessment of learning needs in your texts and in the literature. You will include the survey in your assignment.
The \'body\' of the assignment is the brief summary (follow the required word count) on how you would carry out your need’s assessment.... what format of questions did you use? Is this paper/pencil or electronic? Who would you administer the survey to? How would you analyze the data? how will you use the data? You should use support from the literature as needed/required.
You will administer this learning needs survey to the population you identified and use the data as a basis of developing your lesson plan in Week 8\'s assignment.
Here is an example...You are developing a course for students who are in their final semester of nursing school. The course will focus on preparing students for the NCLEX-RN. You identified 20 at risk students and want to determine their learning needs. You would develop 10-20 questions (open-ended, closed ended, or both) by asking them specific questions such as: Which do you prefer, face-to-face, online, or blended. What area of the program did you find most difficult? Do you work full-time? Again...use. the literature and your resources to help guide what kind of questions to ask. I would then administer this (I chose electronically through SurveyMonkey) and collect the data. I would then use the data to help develop methods and content for the course. This is a abbreviated example....and please do not use 🙂