Leadership power Secular and servant

Leadership power Secular and servant

In the secular approach to leadership, there is an inherent belief that hard work will get you to the top and guarantee success. Think of a time in your professional life when this has proven to be true. What were the circumstances? How much influence did you have on the outcome? Based on the textbook, how do your responses compare to the views of servant leadership? How do your responses compare to the secular view of leadership?

Below is this customers’ brainstorming of ideas and my areas of professional education and experiences that have led me to my current position as a nurse manager.
Secular belief and old cliché that people get to the top by who they know and being in the right spot at the right time. Stepping on others to get to the top. Being unethical, not working for it. Or, working from the ground up and being out there with the regular workforce and knowing how the rest of the workers feel and their everyday jobs.( characteristics of servant leadership) Knowing the basic tasks that others do Walk the talk. This writer believes that you need to have the experience and interactions with the same jobs and tasks that your subordinates have done and do. ( servant leadership)
Back in the early 80s,deciding to go to an ADN or diploma nursing program? For years working as a nursing assistant.
Got laid off for about a year, looking for work. Studied for the Postal exam and took the test, got a very high score and was hired . Salary was double of what I was making as a nurses aid. However, still dreamed about becoming a nurse. Wanted to go to school. ( determination). Quit the postal work job and found a job as a nursing assistant again making half the pay . Along with this , this writer went to a BSN nursing program. ( sacrifice and determination).
I believe that it takes both hard work and self determination . Having a vision and staying focused. Being passionate about what you want to do.
Made choice to go all the way with a strong leadership base and obtain my BSN. It took longer but was worth it. BSN was my stepping stone to my professional life and opened doors for me. I was able to join the military ( Lieutenant in the Navy). MADE IT TO THE TOP, GUARANTEED SUCCESS !I have a hard time looking too far into the future, but with God’s help and determination I guaranteed my success.
Position came open at work, ( Nursing Manager) PRESENTLY.
Multiple interviews. ( did not get the position at first or second attempt) Waited for another opening to come up. ( MONTHS) Was focused and determined and passionate about sharing my leadership style( Transformational, mentoring, coaching. Implement Maslow’s hierarchy of needs into my leadership style as well. ( SERVANT LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS) .
Studied material for the job
Practiced possible interview questions.
Worked hard to get the job, but that alone was not enough. Perseverance and dedication. Kept focused and envisioned getting the position. Was sincerely passionate about leadership and communicated my views and style of leadership. Transformational, Coaching, mentoring. Serving and sharing power. Delegation. Giving back. Paying it forward. (Our class textbook is below)
DelHousaye, D., & Brewer, B. (2004). Servant Leadership— Seven Distinctive Characteristics. Scottsdale, AZ: Sheridan Books,