
Lead is one of the chemical elements found in a chemical element with symbol Pb(Lide, 2004). The name lead originates from a Greek word meaning first and the symbol Pb originates from a Latin word plumbum.The word plumbum means lead (Lide, 2004). Plumbism is a word used to refer to lead poisoning. The element lead is placed in the other metal section in the periodic table. The other section is located in group 13, 14 or 15 in the periodic table. Elements in this section are solid and have a relatively high density and are opaque compared to elements in other sections (Lide, 2004). Lead is one of the elements in the other section and it a solid with a relatively high density and opaque.

The element has an atomic number 82. Lead is soft malleable metal and is considered to be one of the heavy metals. Lead has a bluish white color when it is first cut, but after exposing the metal to air, the color of the metal changes to dull grayish color. The metal has a shiny chrome silver luster when melted (Lide, 2004). It is a highly toxic metal found in small amounts in the earth’s surface. The metal has caused environmental pollution in many countries (Lide, 2004). Lead and lead compounds are used to produce a wide range of products that are found in the market. Lead and lead compounds are used manufacture lead based paints, lead pipes and batteries used in cars. This is because the element is readily available and is not expensive. The element has different physical properties from other elements and this makes it ideal to be used in production of lead products. Lead is harmful to the body if used in large quantities or if somebody is exposed to lead components for a long time (Stwertka, 2002).

Exposure to lead causes neurological disorders like lack of muscle coordination and coma. If a person lacks enough amount of lead in the body he is likely to have poor mental development as lead helps in mental growth in young children. The metal enters the body from water pipes that are made from lead, lead based paints and leaded petrol (Stwertka, 2002). The high amount of lead in the products makes the product harmful to human beings. The environmental effects of lead have made many organizations to come out to prevent use of lead in manufacturing lead based products (Stwertka, 2002). This is to prevent the product from being harmful to human beings. Lead has the highest atomic number of all stable elements in the periodic table. It has an atomic mass of 207.19.

Lead occurs as a free metal and is said to be the final stable product that is produced after decay of uranium metal(Miller,Vandome&McBrewster,2009). It is one of the soft metals used to produce various products. The metal has a low melting point and a poor conductor of electricity. These properties make lead an ideal element to be used to manufacture various products (Miller, Vandome&McBrewster, 2009). The metal is not easily corroded by acid thus, an ideal material for making lead pipes that are used to store water. The unique properties of lead element make the element useful in the industry as it used to make lead product (Stwertka, 2002).


Miller,F.,Vandome,A.,&McBrewster.(2009).Lead: Chemical Element, Lead-acid Battery, Bullet, Solder, Lead Poisoning, Derbyshire Lead Mining History, Isotopes of Lead, Lead Paint, Lead(II) Chromate, Lead(II) Acetate, Lead Glass, Lead(II) Oxide, Lead Cooled Fast Reactor, Gasoline.Alphascript Publishing

Stwertka,A.(2002).A guide to the elements.Edition2.Oxford University Press US

Lide,D.(2004).CRC handbook of chemistry and physics: a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data.Edition85.CRC Press,