Agenda for Global Health

Agenda for Global Health
What are some ways that an interdisciplinary approach to advancing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda could be used? Explain how applying multiculturalism and diversity practices and policies can have an effect on the organization where you work. Summarize what you’ve learned in this course to show how the role of an advanced practice nurse can affect this global approach.
Agenda for Global HealthRubric for Participation in a Discussion Board (DB)
Discussion boards (DBs) are what make an online course a course and not just an independent study.
DBs are very important for showing that the learner has met the expected course level outcomes.
Collaboration between classmates and the teacher in the DB is an important part of online learning, and the course expects it.
The teacher will decide if there are any exceptions to the following DB rubric.
The goal of a DB is to get people to think critically in a scholarly way.
Critical thinking involves coming up with solutions, applying them to real-world problems, testing, debating, and defending solutions that are based on evidence.
Critical thinking is not just repeating what you were assigned to read. An important part of the DB is research on the literature done outside of it.
Posts need to have something to say. This means that answers like “I agree” or “great post” do not meet the criteria for a good grade.

The first posts for each discussion question (DQ) are due by the following Saturday.
The first post must be an answer to the DQ question, not a comment on other posts. Each DB’s first post must also include at least three citations that have been reviewed by experts in the field.
Citations must come from outside sources, and each week, you can only use one citation from a course reading.
Even though the discussion board tool makes it hard to use APA formatting (like hanging indents), all posts must have the necessary parts of an in-text citation and list of references.

Inappropriate Below Average Average A Grade Above Average Weight Final Score
1 2 3 4
Initial post timeliness Gives the first post on Sunday or after. N/A N/A Offers the first post by Saturday. 15% 0.00 Additional comment requirement Doesn’t post answers to other people. posts one comment for each Discussion topic. Posts two comments on different days for each Discussion topic. At least one of the comments has a reference. Posts two replies to each Discussion topic on different days (resulting in total participation on three different days throughout the discussion). At least two of the comments have references. 10% 0.00 Engagement N/A Takes part, but doesn’t post anything that makes other people want to respond to what was posted. tries to get the group to talk more. Often tries to get the group discussion going. 5% 0.00 Quality of the Content First Reaction Submission has nothing to do with the subject. Answers some questions or talks about some topics by giving clear opinions. It lets you post only text. Gives clear opinions and ideas in response to all questions. Text and at least two peer-reviewed sources are used to back up the post. Answers all questions with creative and clear ideas and opinions. Several outside, peer-reviewed sources are used to back up the post. 35% 0.00 APA Format Big mistakes or no APA format. Small mistakes with the APA format. Rare mistakes with the APA style. The APA format is correct. 10% 0.00 Grammar, spelling, formatting, and mechanics There are a lot of spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Mechanics and layout of the writing are very bad. Poor spelling and grammar are apparent. Standard American English is used, and mistakes and misspellings are rare. Standard American English is always used, and there are no spelling mistakes. Correct spelling, grammar, and layout. 10% 0.00
Length Submission does not meet length requirements. N/A N/A The first post should be at least 200 words long. This doesn’t include repeating the DB question or the citations and references. 15% 0.00

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