Examining the influence Therapeutic Alliance between Mental Health Nurses and Adolescents diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa in an Inpatient Setting

Examining the influence Therapeutic Alliance between Mental Health Nurses and Adolescents diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa in an Inpatient Setting


Introduction:  This review aims to create an in-depth understanding of therapeutic alliance amongst mental health nurses and patients diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa within an inpatient setting, in consideration of patients and nurses’ perspectives. Patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa tend to respect an interactive relationship with nurses as such relations are therapeutic and valuable.  It has been well-known that the alliance improves outcomes for patients with anorexia nervosa. Nevertheless, in an in-patient setting, it can be challenging to establish a therapeutic alliance as it involves engaging interpersonally and a balancing application of authority.

Methods: CINAHL, Medline and PsycINFO databases were searched broadly to find various primary research articles which were relevant to the research question.  Using a critiquing tool, 3 qualitative and one quantitative study were identified and analysed in order to abstract and generate evidence in order to evaluate their trustworthiness in answering the research question.

Results: All four studies found that nurses cared for patients with interpersonal diplomacy in a therapeutic alliance, whilst upholding a vibrant difference between the patient as the person and anorexia nervosa the disease. It was found that nurses were extremely significant in regards to inpatient experiences. The results were characterised by various themes regarding nursing practice.  Three studies were deemed trustworthy in terms of quality and design methods whereas all studies proved to be weak as the sample sizes were quite limited.

Conclusions: Four of the studies scrutinised provided sound evidence that therapeutic alliance is beneficial in relationships as it enhances treatment and possibly improve patient outcomes

Key words: anorexia nervosa, therapeutic alliance, nursing relationships, patients’ perspectives, adolescents with anorexia nervosa, mental health, effective relationships.