Dissemination plan for Compassion Fatigue in Long term care

Dissemination plan for Compassion Fatigue in Long term care
Compassion fatigue is a condition that affects both the emotional and physical state of an individual leading to a reduced or diminished ability to empathy or even feels compassion for others. It is often described as the negative cost of caring and sometimes secondary traumatic stress. Compassionate fatigue is a condition that is often experienced by individuals who offer care services such as health care workers, child protection workers, veterinarians, teachers, social workers, and palliative care workers (Delaney, 2018). This condition results from working or offering services to patients in hospitals or victims of circumstances such as disasters, trauma, or even students for teachers. This condition also affects individuals such as firefighters, policemen, librarians, and other non-professional members such as informal caregivers such as nannies and other caregivers who take care of the elderly at home. This paper will explore strategies employed to prevent and manage this condition effectively.

Firstly, it is important to hire a nurse recruiter who will oversee the staffing and selective hiring for any additional staff. Employing a nurse recruiter is equally important in the management of this condition as the nurse will be aware of this condition and the amount of stress a nurse should be in without exceeding the limits that can lead to the development of this condition (Sinclair, 2017). The nurse is professional and can advise more on the preventive measures that will be employed by the hospital against this condition. Other measures include adjustments of the patient to nurse ratio from the recommended one by the American nursing association to a more specific ratio that will be efficient for the attending nurses on duty to prevent this condition in health care providers.

Secondly, education to caregivers about this condition. this condition is not famous and not all caregivers are aware of this situation, some choose to neglect it as they are passionate about offering care to patients and victims not knowing that this has a side effect on their physical and emotional state. The target audience for this type of education will be the caregivers and other professionals that are in a position to take care of others. Other professionals that are not favoured by this method like police officers and firefighters among others are also given this opportunity of learning about this condition on national television whereby a health talk program is proposed to pass this information (Turgoose, 2017). Other platforms such as social media and YouTube are also considered to favour this population.

Public awareness is another means of getting information to the general population to non-professional; caregivers at home or even in nursing homes. Public lectures and the use of roadshows will help in the assembly of magnitude that will help in passing information. Educating the general public will help in creating awareness of the condition as it is not well understood and known. This will help people in remote places as there will be talks about the condition and these talks will help in passing information

In conclusion, compassionate fatigue is a condition that is not well understood by many people. It is a condition that affects caregivers such as health workers, police officers, teachers, firefighters, and other caregivers. Preventing this condition involves public education to the general population that will help in passing this information to prevent and manage this condition. Other methods include the use of social media and other online platforms will help in informing the privileged population.


Delaney, M. C. (2018). Caring for the caregivers: Evaluation of the effect of an eight-week pilot mindful self-compassion (MSC) training program on nurses’ compassion fatigue and resilience. PloS one, 13(11), e0207261.

Sinclair, S., Raffin-Bouchal, S., Venturato, L., Mijovic-Kondejewski, J., & Smith-MacDonald, L. (2017). Compassion fatigue: A meta-narrative review of the healthcare literature. International journal of nursing studies, 69, 9-24.

Turgoose, D., & Maddox, L. (2017). Predictors of compassion fatigue in mental health professionals: A narrative review. Traumatology, 23(2), 172.

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