Discussion Forum and Critical Reflection

Discussion Forum and Critical Reflection

Assessment Style: Discussion Forum and Critical Reflection

Description: You will be involved in online discussions both as presenter and commentator, present on a given topic and comment on the responses of others to topics of leadership and management theories (300-500 words each). Following this you will write a critical reflection and analysis (1500 words) of the factors that impact on the provision of leadership and management in your nursing practice.

In your discussion board activities you will

? Select a topic from module 1 or module 2 that you will present through the Blackboard Site Discussion Board.
? Contact the Unit Co-Ordinator and nominate your preferred discussion board topic (by the end of Week 2)
? Lead discussion on your chosen topi and engage with others in con line discussion
? Contribute to at least 3 other Discussion Board activities to provide comment on other student’s postings

You will submit an reflective journal on Friday of Week 8 which contains
? A critical reflection on the discussion board activities you led and participated in and how this relates to your own
practice leadership and management
? Evidence that you examined the issues you identified through relevant leadership and management literature
? Printed copies of the activities you undertook as an appendix to your reflective journal

You will have referred to your marking guide for guidance on the expected quality of your writing
NSN515 Assessment Guidelines
NSN515 Leadership and Management in Nursing – ASSESSMENT 1 Discussion Board and Reflective Journal
Student Name: __________________________________ Student Number: