Creative Thinking


Most people confuse creative thinking and critical thing. To some extend they are the same but creative thinking surrounds the idea of coming with something new while critical thinking is all about reasoning and thinking logically.


Critical thinking is one of the most crucial things human beings undergo. Determining how to accept once idea all depends with the results. For a thinking to be valid, it should not provide positive and negative reasoning at the same time. It is better to consider that thinking must support the evidence so that to be valid. Most of the people do not know when and how to know when their thinking is accurate. It is with common thought from researchers that accurate thinking revolves around two fundamental things. If you have facts and common information separately, separate the facts into important and less important once, then we say your thinking is accurate. In order to know we are thinking accurately, we must ensure that we have enough information of our body. Thinking stereotypically and in en-culturated manner affects our thinking and thus we need not to involve our personal pride when thinking accurately, (King, 2004).

The best thing to do in order to gain perspective is to determine what will right in the moment if something happens. Some of the questions which help one to gain perspective include; is my response appropriate? Think critically before you respond to whatever is happening in order to have a positive out come. What will happen if I do what I want? Are the results going to be of benefit or not? What do I need to do in order to improve the situation? With the help of those and other question, an individual is in a position to gain perspective. In order to give reasoned opinion, some of topics such as how to express feelings, coming up with sound value and coming to certain conclusion need to be covered, (King, 2004).

Determining how an idea is quite good or how long it will last solely depend on the results or impacts is giving to the individual. So long as the thinking is solid and provides quality outcomes, the idea is said to be valid and of use. In order to determine who to include in your critical dialogue depends with the current situation which you are undergoing. The best people to include in our critical dialogue are our own thinking which later we include harshest critics whom will provide with positive or negative reactions. This is a common and best way because we provide them room at which we build our thinking. Harshest critics should be individuals who are of your same field so as to understand your thoughts, (King, 2004).

Foundational thoughts are those which give individuals a room to improve and develop their thinking in a critical way. They should be the center which provides guideline on how to think critically. Those thoughts should be self centered in order to give directions of what should be done or what and individual should do in order to come up with sound mind. With the help of perspective and individual is in a position to keep balance. We need to be complete in order be balance, (King, 2004).


It is clear that one need to be accurate in order to think critically. An in individual needs feelings in order to have sound thoughts which will help in making decisions.


King, L. (2004). Test Your Creative Thinking: Kogan Page Publishers:        ISBN074944004X, 9780749440046