Community Health simulation experience: Sentinel Town

Community Health simulation experience: Sentinel Town

Within Sentinel Town™ you will notice a camera icon. Use the camera to take pictures within the simulation. Use the “enter text” feature to add your observations to the pictures. Submit a PDF of your action report from Sentinel Town™ that includes the following completed activities from Mill Territory, North Main Territory, Meat Processing Territory, Orchard Farm Territory, South Main Territory, and Dalton Farm Territory.

  • Sentinel K-12 Schoolhouse
  • Wood Mill
  • Sentinel Town Volunteer Fire Station
  • Mathis & Co. Paper Supply
  • Sherriff’s Office
  • Sentinel Town Water Tower
  • Meat Processing Plant
  • Service Station
  • Wind Farm
  • Hiland Feed Store
  • Town General Store
  • U.S. Post Office

*Download the photo journal and your task separately

Social Media Campaign

 (B) Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement

Write your community health nursing diagnosis statement based on a chosen health concern you’ve identified in the simulation. Your chosen prevention topic needs to be from the approved topic list in module 2.3 (Review Healthy People 2020 for a National snapshot of the prevention topic of choice). The community health nursing diagnostic statement needs to identify a health concern or risk within Sentinel Town™ from the approved topic list. The nursing diagnosis needs to identify the affected group or community, suggests a cause, and logically discusses the evidence and/or support for the diagnosis


Increased risk of (identification of health problem or risk) among (affected aggregate or community) related to (etiological to causal statement) as demonstrated by (evidence or support for diagnosis).


Field Experience topic: Prevention of childhood obesity

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis: Obesity: Increased risk of obesity among school-aged children related to lack of safe outdoor play areas for children as demonstrated by above average Basic Metabolic Index (BMI) rates.


This statement clearly identifies the population of interest and the problem, but also gives clues to potential experience activities: Does lighting need to be improved? Or is there proper upkeep of equipment? Are there allowances for school recess? When working with a school nurse, what are dietary plans for students? Do the students have proper outerwear to play outside? (And other questions).



(Refer to Section 2.3 in your course material for assessment of the primary prevention topic).


(B1) Health Inequity/Disparity

You will need to accurately identify a health inequity or health disparity within the target population and logically discuss how the identified health inequity or disparity is linked to the health concern identified in part B. Refer to module 3.1

For the section on Health Inequities, you will identify imbalances of service within your community and provide data to support these imbalances or inequities.  Think about your general population and populations at risk related to your health concern.   For example, from your Field Experience did you identify any vulnerable populations of the community who were at a disadvantage for services.  Was insurance, access to services, income, location, lack of understanding that contributes to some individuals not receiving higher levels of resources?  You will back up your findings with data from your community.  The data can include statistics supporting poverty levels, transportation services, insurance or lack of insurance, organizations available to community members, etc……

A health disparity is the statistical manifestation of these health inequities. Health disparities are differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among your target population.  Please link the health inequity(s)/health disparity(s) to your target population (Braveman, P. (2014).

Helpful links

Defining and measuring inequities/disparities

Social Determinants of Health

 (B1a) Primary community and Prevention Resources

Discuss appropriate details of the primary community resources and the primary prevention resources available in Sentinel Town™ relevant to the identified health concern.

(B1b) Underlying Causes

Accurately and logically discuss the underlying causes that contribute to the selected primary health concern. (This may be similar from the information you included in section B1).

 (B2) Evidence-Based Practice

Logically and appropriately include evidence-based practice article(s) relevant to the selected primary prevention field experience topic.  Resources to help to complete this section can be found in Lesson 4.1 in the course material. Refer to Healthy People, click on your topic under Topics & Objectives, then click on Tools & Resources.

(B2a) Identification of Data

In this section include relevant data from Sentinel Town™ relating to selected field experience topic at the local (Sentinel Town), your own state, and national level and discuss your findings. This section should include supportive data that your prevention topic is a true problem in Sentinel Town™.


*Prior to developing your social media campaign, we recommend reviewing lesson 5.2 in course material CDC Social Media Toolkit (Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide).

(C1) Social Media Campaign Objective

The description presents a measurable objective of what you hope to accomplish to improve the health concern within Sentinel Town™using a social media campaign. Refer to the SMART tool in the CDC intervention section: CDCynergy.

*Select a social media platform from the social media toolkit. Refer to module 5.0.

* Do not use newspapers, bulletin boards, flyers, etc.

(C2)Social Marketing Interventions

Provide 2 specific population focused social marketing interventions to aid in meeting your objective in section C1. Describe how each intervention would improve the health message related to the selected field experience topic. Refer to Stanhope & Lancaster (2017). Lesson 5

in course material and CDCynergy.

(C3) Description of Social Media Platform

Describe applications you will use to implement your interventions (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs, Snapchat, Instagram and others) that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking (electronic dissemination of ideas). Refer to Lesson 5 in the course material and the CDC social media toolkit.

 (C3a) Benefits of Social Media Platform

Discuss how each platform will support preventative healthcare in your target population for your identified health problem. Refer to 5.2 in your course material and the CDC social media toolkit.

(C4) Benefit to Target Population

Discuss how your target population will benefit from the social media campaign.

 (D) Best Practices for Social Media

Discuss the general principles for best practice in implementing all types of social media tools for healthcare marketing. Look at the key concepts from 5.1  and 5.2 in your course material and refer to the CDC social media toolkit.

(E1) Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities

Identify specific stakeholder roles and responsibilities in Sentinel Town™ that are appropriate for the implementation of the social media campaign plan.

stakeholder is someone who has an interest in the health problem and whose support             is required for the social media campaign to be successful.

Stakeholders have a special connection to you and your involvement in the prevention    of the health problem.

  • They are or could be affected by the social media campaign
  • They are interested in how the social media campaign will impact them
  • They may know what you need to know for the campaign to be successful
  • Points of view from community perspective
  • Communicates your message (e.g. Advertises your campaign)

Refer to Clark M. J. (2015) and/or

  • Identify the stakeholders
  • Identify the role and responsibilities for each stakeholder

 (E2) Potential Public and Private Partnerships

Identify potential public and private partnerships that could be formed and logically describes how each potential partnership would aid the implementation of the social media campaign plan.

Partners have a working relationship to you and collaborate in an official capacity on the social media campaign.

  • They are interested in fulfilling their role in the campaign and staying informed
  • They work together with you to benefit everyone involved
  • They help to solve problems by seizing opportunity or sharing resources

Refer to Clark M. J. (2015)

(E3) Timeline

Include specific timelines for implementing your social media campaign.

  • Consider benchmarks (time points) from the planning phase to the evaluation phase.

 (E4) Evaluation

Refer to module 6.2 in your course material

  • Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of meeting your measurable objective for the social media campaign.
  • Include a measurement tool

 (E5) Cost of Implementing the Campaign

Discuss the estimated direct/indirect costs of planning, implementing and evaluating your campaign. Refer to CDCynergy LITE

 (F) Reflection on Social Media Marketing

Reflect on how the community health nurse can use social media marketing to promote healthier populations (provide one or more examples).

Refer to lesson 5.2, examples can be found using the American Public Health: Social Media Website.

(F1) Reflection on Future Nursing Practice

Refer to lesson 5.2 in the course material. Examples can be found using the American Public Health: Social Media Website. Reflect on how you can apply a social media campaign to your future nursing practice (provide one or more examples)



Braveman, P. (2014). What are health disparities and health equity? We need to be clear. US      National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). The CDC guide to strategies to decrease        smoking in the community. Retrieved from           

Healthcare Learning Innovations. (2017, August 1). Sentinel Town®- Rural Community     Simulation [Computer software]. Retrieved March 24, 2020, from


Checklist: (see below in red)
Did you upload your photo journal with your paper (separately)?
Did you acknowledge sources, use in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized?
Did you demonstrate APA professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission?
If you need assistance with APA or citations/references, please check out the writing center: