Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa: Initial Stage

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa: Initial Stage
Group Manual: Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy for Eating Disorders: Anorexia
Nervosa or Bulimia
You have decided to start a new psychotherapeutic group and need a manual. Instead of finding one, you are going to write your own! Decide on a focus for your new group: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
for Eating Disorders, considering age, type of group work, mental health issues to be addressed, and so
on. You can choose any type of group you want, be it process, self-help, psychoeducational, or any

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa: Initial Stage

Ideas for coming up with a group:

 What’s missing in your community?
 What kind of group do you wish you had as a parent or caregiver?
 Ask your preceptor if they conduct group therapy and know of any group therapy needs in the
 What kind of patients does your preceptor specialize in (such as eating disorders)?
 What is something you are interested in that you could see yourself conducting a group in after
 What vulnerable populations are in your community?
Over the next nine weeks, you will develop a comprehensive manual detailing your development of this
group. This is an opportunity to be creative while grounding your proposed group in the established
research and literature on group work and your target population.
The manual should be functional and appropriate for eight one-hour sessions. For this assignment, each
stage will last for two sessions, although in practice, groups typically last longer, with the middle stages
taking up a lot more time. Information should be practical and written in an explicit manner so that
others could facilitate the group.

Information on each session should be detailed. Explain how each session’s activities or process is
relevant to the given stage of group formation and development. Create at least two tools for your
members to complete at the beginning and at the end of your group to evaluate the effectiveness of the
group experience. You can also create other tools and activities.
Written assignments starting in Week 7 will help you develop your manual. You must integrate feedback
from your instructor on those papers into your final manual. The manual must be your original work.
Any submitted work that draws heavily on previously developed and published material will receive a
failing grade. However, you can draw from such material to enhance your original idea. All such material
must be referenced.

Your manual must include the following sections and elements.
1. Cover Page
a. Name
b. Name of your group: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders
c. Title of the course
d. Date submitted
2. Introduction
3. Pregroup Issues
a. Type of group
b. Topic or theme
c. Target population and age
d. Relevance
e. Dates and times
f. Qualifications for the leader
g. How and where the group will be advertised
h. Selection and screening
i. Informed consent procedure
j. Ground rules
4. Initial Stage
a. Structure for each of the sessions

b. A description of two tools for your group members to complete at the beginning and at
the end of your group to evaluate the effectiveness of the group experience. You must
develop these tools yourself.
c. Any other tools and resources used during these sessions
5. Transition Stage
a. Structure for each of the sessions
b. Any tools and resources used during these sessions
6. Working Stage
a. Structure for each of the sessions
b. Any tools and resources used during these sessions
7. Final Stage
a. Structure for each of the sessions
b. Any tools and resources used during these sessions
8. References
a. At least five current scholarly articles that support the rationale and structure of the

9. Appendices including, but not limited to:
a. Screening sheet
b. Informed consent document(s)
c. Two tools for your group members to complete at the beginning and at the end of your
group to evaluate the effectiveness of the group experience

1. Week 7: Decide on the focus, develop the group information, and work on the
pregroup issues in Assignment 7.1: New Psychotherapeutic Group Pregroup
Issues. Due October 9
2. Week 8: Work on Sessions 1 and 2 in Assignment 8.1: Initial Stage. Due
October 16
3. Week 9: Work on Sessions 3 and 4 in Assignment 9.2: Transition Stage. Due
October 23
4. Week 10: Work on Sessions 5 and 6 in Assignment 10.1: Working Stage. Due
October 30

5. Week 11: Work on Sessions 7 and 8 in Assignment 12.1: Final Stage. Due
November 6
6. Week 12: Revise your complete manual, including references, tools, and
appendices. Do not simply collate your papers but revise them into a cohesive
manual including all required elements. Be sure to incorporate feedback from
your instructor on the papers. Submit Final paper due November 13

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