C155 Pathopharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice

C155 Pathopharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice
A. Investigated Disease Process
A1. Pathophysiology
Normal Anatomy
Types of TBI
Mechanism of injury
Types of injury
Categories of severity
Patient symptoms – altered mental status, dizziness, etc.

Patho-pharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice
Exam findings – GCS, pupils, short long term memory
Outcomes – types of short and long term outcomes a patient may experience
Patient symptoms – same as above
Exam findings
Patient symptoms – same as above
Exam findings
Patho-pharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice A2. Standard of Practice
Intro of source of guideline providing EBP resources to demonstrate reliably
Standard guideline in assessment – one paragraph to describe the approach to every TBI, don’t need to categorize with GCS if you have defined it in the patho section
Standard guideline in treatment
Outcomes predicted or found using this guideline
A2a. Pharmacologic Treatments
Intro paragraph setting the stage to discuss each category of drug
Drug categories
Local pharmacotherapy – is your state following national guidelines with medications using a reliable resource (not anecdotal information, or conversational). Show morbidity or mortality prevalence data to demonstrate trends.
A2b. Clinical Guidelines
Introduction to source for clinical guidelines
Identify the patients possible subjective experience
Priority assessments – what types of assessment techniques will you use? Physical exam/diagnostics?
Acute injury
History of TBI (chronic assessment) – might be depression assessment or something like that.
Patient teaching
Acute – What are priority points to include when teaching patient and families?
Chronic – Again, priority points. Interval treatments? Assessments (i.e. MRIs, depression screening, etc.) Therapies?
A2c. Standard of Practice Disease Management
Identify national guidelines again
Contrast your state in terms of the previous 3 sections. Does your state routinely adhere to guidelines of clinical guidelines, pharmacologic management and follow up. Compare prevalence rates of morbidity and mortality associated with condition. National to state rates.
Conclusion paragraph – Provide analysis of the comparison. Is your state doing well? Need to improve? What are some good things the state is doing? What types of initiatives could be done to improve the disease process? Look at states with lower prevalence of the condition. What are they doing to have a lower prevalence?