Benchmark Assignment—Administration and Protection

Benchmark Assignment—Administration and Protection

In your local newspaper, an article was written about the crimes and harms perpetrated against the older population and the lack of protection for many of them. The article ends with the question, \”Who is responsible for protecting these individuals?\”
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word letter to the editor answering that question from the perspective of one working in the long-term care field. In your letter, address the following:
• Analyze the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults. Consider the following:
o When should families be responsible for related older adults? When should they not? Does this only pertain to immediate family members?
o When should friends or acquaintances be responsible? What if their choices go against the family\’s wishes?
o When should hospitals, community service organizations, or other long-term care facilities be allowed to make major decisions for older adults?
o When should the government be responsible for making important decisions? How involved should the government be in protecting the individual?
o Is there ever a circumstance when an older adult does not need outside protection? When would that be? Explain your answers.
• Compare differences of private, nonprofit, and public entities. Consider the following:
o Legal issues
o Services
o Certification
o Accreditation
o Auditing
o How administrators and facilities play a role in the protection of older adults
• Analyze the prevalence of abuse against the aging population. Include:
o A description of the types of abuses
o Statistics to support your claims
• Evaluate the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system.
o Consider the financial implications on individuals, organizations, and the health care system.
• Analyze Elder Law Services.
o How can these services help protect the rights of older adults?
• Determine the role of advocacy in protecting the rights of older adults. Consider the following:
o What advocacy services are available for older adults? Does everyone have the same access to these services? Explain why or why not.
o How effective are advocacy services at protecting the rights of older adults?
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
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1[OA] Signature Assignment: Administration and Protection Signature Assignment1001Protecting Rights of Older Adults(10%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Identified the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults. Approaches Expectations
Explained the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults. Meets Expectations
Analyzed the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults. Exceeds Expectations
Evaluated the responsibilities of individuals for protecting the rights of older adults.
2Differences in Entities(10%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Did not identify differences of private, nonprofit, and public entities. Approaches Expectations
Identified differences of private, nonprofit, and public entities. Meets Expectations
Compared differences of private, nonprofit, and public entities. Exceeds Expectations
Analyzed differences of private, nonprofit, and public entities.
3Aging Population Abuse(10%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Identified the prevalence of abuse against the aging population. Approaches Expectations
Explained the prevalence of abuse against the aging population. Meets Expectations
Analyzed the prevalence of abuse against the aging population. Exceeds Expectations
Evaluated the prevalence of abuse against the aging population.
Does Not Meet Expectations
Identified or explained the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system. Approaches Expectations
Analyzed the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system. Meets Expectations
Evaluated the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system. Exceeds Expectations
Critique the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system.
5Elder Law Services(10%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Identified Elder Law Services. Approaches Expectations
Explained Elder Law Services. Meets Expectations
Analyzed Elder Law Services. Exceeds Expectations
Evaluated Elder Law Services.
6Advocacy for Older Adults(10%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Did not determine the role of advocacy in protecting the rights of older adults. Approaches Expectations
Identified the role of advocacy in protecting the rights of older adults. Meets Expectations
Determined the role of advocacy in protecting the rights of older adults. Exceeds Expectations
Analyzed the role of advocacy in protecting the rights of older adults.
7Organization and Development(15%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
The introduction does not provide sufficient background on the topic and does not preview major points. The conclusion does not provide sufficient background on the topic and does not preview major points. Approaches Expectations
The introduction provided adequate background on the topic and previews major points. The conclusion provided adequate background on the topic and previews major points. Meets Expectations
The introduction provided sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. The conclusion provided sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. Exceeds Expectations

The introduction exceeded the standards on the background topic and preview of major points. The conclusion exceeded the standards on the background topic and preview of major points.
8Written Communication(10%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Inconsistent grammar, spelling and paragraphing throughout paper and inability to explain findings clearly. Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Approaches Expectations
Adequate explanation of findings. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Meets Expectations
Clear and logical written explanation of findings. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Exceeds Expectations
Exceptionally concise written explanation of findings. Prose is free of mechanical errors. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
9APA Format/Style(10%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
APA format and style are not evident. Approaches Expectations
Missing APA elements; in-text citations, where necessary, are used but formatted inaccurately and not referenced. Meets Expectations
All key elements of an APA title page are present; in-text citations and a reference page are present with few format errors. Mechanics of writing are reflective of APA style. Exceeds Expectations
A broad understanding of APA format and style is evident. Accurate citations and references are presented. No APA errors are evident.
10Citations and References(5%)
Does Not Meet Expectations
Did not cite peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support the development of the assignment. Approaches Expectations
Cited 1-2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support the development of the assignment. Meets Expectations
Cited a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support the development of the assignment. Exceeds Expectations
Cited more than 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support the development of the assignment.