Applications of Nursing Informatics Paper

Applications of Nursing Informatics Paper

Practice: Recommendations for nursing informatics with practice include incorporating informatics competencies into practice standards, and facilitating the collection and analysis of healthcare workforce data by collecting from existing heath IT systems (HIMSS, 2011). (HIMSS, 2011). Material protected by copyright Applying Nursing Informatics  Practice: knowledge of nursing information systems can be used with nursing practice such as patient· documentation, monitoring devices, developing and implementing care plans and pathways, retrieval of previous records and imaging, use of telehealth, and access to current practice standards.

This week you should narrow the issue for your Applications of Nursing Informatics Paper, which is due on Day 7 of Week 7. As noted in Week 3, this paper is about pursuing an issue within nursing informatics as it relates to the practical, administrative, or educational areas of nursing. I will examine your choice of topic area and will advise you if the topic is either too narrow or too broad to be the basis of a good paper.

You will receive one point for a clearly identified topic area and one point for the topic\'s applicability to nursing informatics.
Attached is an article I searched that can be used for an example.