Analysis of Global Health Care

Analysis of Global Health Care
Select one Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) country and answer the following questions:
Analysis of Global Health Care1. Does health insurance coverage for the country you selected to offer the gold standard of care? Do revenues used to pay for health care come from a single source or many? Is there rationing of healthcare services? If so, how does this compare to rationing in the U.S.?

2. To what extent do you think the crafting of the ACA relied on the experiences of other countries? Does the country you selected possess healthcare policies that may have been influential? Should the U.S. adopt these healthcare policies? Why?

Required Readings:

Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals
Chapter 5: Global Health: A Vision for Action

Go to the following websites to review sources of international comparative information:

European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Kaiser Family Foundation
The Commonwealth Fund
World Health Organization

The OECD Development Centre. (2018, April 10). OECD Global Forum on Development 2018, Part 1 (2:59 hours) [Video]. YouTube.
OECD Global Forum Transcript
Watch relevant sections; OECD goals (for example, end violence to females, provide options for premature delivery of newborns in rural areas).

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