AN3005 – Fostering Respect for Indigenous Cultures through Sustainable Tourism

AN3005 – Fostering Respect for Indigenous Cultures through Sustainable Tourism.
PART 1: Sustainable Tourism
What is sustainable tourism?
Explain what sustainable tourism is using examples from quality resources (i.e., all the resources in Module 1).
Why is sustainable tourism important to indigenous cultures?
Analyze why sustainable tourism is important to indigenous cultures.

AN3005 - Fostering Respect for Indigenous Cultures through Sustainable Tourism

Substantiate your reasoning by using details and examples from the resources.
How does sustainable tourism demonstrate respect and advocacy for indigenous cultures?
Analyze how sustainable tourism demonstrates advocacy and respect for indigenous cultures. Substantiate your reasoning by using details and examples from the resources.

Part 2: Ethical Consumerism

What is ethical consumerism?
Using details and examples from the resources, explain ethical consumerism.
Provide a list of 10 bullet points to explain how to and why people should practice ethical consumerism.
What are quality sources of information about ethical consumerism?
Recommend at least two resources that provide quality information about ethical consumerism. Share the title, a summary, and a URL for each resource. Also include your rationale for recommending each resource.

AN3005 – Fostering Respect for Indigenous Cultures through Sustainable Tourism

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