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The patient population I have chosen for this discussion are patients who suffer from addiction: Addiction recovery program. The theory that applies to this population is sense of coherence (SOC). According to Sharma and Romas (2012) the theory of sense of coherence has been used in a variety of health education and promotion applications, including for an addiction recovery program. It is a theory that signifies that comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness in life improve coping with stress. According to Collingwood (2018) the concept interacts with a person’s natural coping style, upbringing, financial assets, and social support – the extent to which these are available is a major determinant in the development of a strong or weak SOC.
According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2014) addiction is a brain disease that one out of every 12 American adults suffers from. There are various reasons why people turn to alcohol or drugs and develop addiction. These addictions may be used as coping mechanism to combat underlying stress, emotions, or countless other problems. American Addiction Centers (2018) states coping mechanisms are compulsions, or habits formed over time, that serve to help a person manage with particular situations or stress levels; not all coping mechanisms are maladaptive or destructive; however, addiction is both.
According to Collingwood (2018) comprehensibility is the extent to which events are perceived as making logical sense, that they are ordered, consistent, and structured. Manageability is the extent to which a person feels they can cope. Meaningfulness is how much one feels that life makes sense, and challenges are worthy of commitment. It is suggested that a person with a strong SOC is more likely to feel less stress and tension, and to believe that he or she can meet demands. In a case of addiction, it is vital for individuals to believe they can make the commitment to meet the challenges they face. There are various ways to reduce stress and tension to meet those demands as stated below.
The various ways to cope with addictions are to create healthier habits and joining various programs such as behavioral therapies, counseling, and even the use of medication. According to American Addiction Centers (2018) during these treatment programs, individuals are taught methods for managing cravings and handling potential triggers that may arise.
Exercise releases endorphins and help reduce tension, improve sleep, and stabilize mood. Staying physically active boosts physical and emotional health and manages stress, therefore helping to control cravings and prevent relapse.
Meditation brings about self-reflection and are very helpful in managing stress and tension.
Communication and support can also be a great outlet for releasing stress and it helps a lot to have a support group of peers, therapists, family members, friends, and mentors to lean on and speak to.
Collingwood, J. (2018, October 08). Your Sense of Coherence. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/lib/your-sense-of-coherence/
Sharma, M., & Romas, J. A. (2012). Theoretical foundations of health eduction and health promotion (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Staff, R. B. (2018). Addiction as a Coping Mechanism and Healthy Alternatives. Retrieved from https://americanaddictioncenters.org/sobriety-guide/coping-mechanism